释义 |
Liang Dynasty 基本例句 梁 The emperor of Liang dynasty , Xiao Yan ,is famous for revering Buddha in the history of Chinese civilization.梁武帝萧衍在中国文化史上是以崇佛的面目出现的。 He played a special role in the liang Dynasty,had an enormous impact on the literary world.This view can reflecte in the history books.加之他在梁代特殊的身份,对当时文坛的影响巨大而深远,这可由史书记载看出一斑来。 So, the reason why Yongming Prosody could not have its way in the Early Liang Dynasty had a close relation to Xiao Yan's discrimination against four tones.永明声律论在梁初三十年左右之所以未能大行其道,与武帝排抑四声有着至为密切的关系。 Fatang, the Church of rain, for people to commemorate Later Liang Dynasty, monks justice to “pay the MPFA the self-immolation”, the suicide Qiuyu built.法堂,即法雨堂,为人们纪念后梁时寺僧义收“积薪自焚”,舍身求雨而建。 |