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词汇 Lhoba
释义 Lhoba
TheLhobapeople who live on the Tibetan plateau have their own unique customs and amorous feelings which have been so frequently described in their folklores.居住在西藏高原上的珞巴族具有独特的民族风情,在他们源远流长的民间传说中,有着大量的描述。
With the addition of theLhobaethnic group,identified in 1965,and the Jino ethnic group,identified in 1979,there are 55 ethnic minority groups which have been formally recognized and made known to the public.加上1965年确认的珞巴族、1979年确认的基诺族,全国55个少数民族都被正式确认并公布。
Though the Moinba,Lhobaand other ethnic minorities in Tibet have small populations,each of them has its own deputies to the National People's Congress as well as to the people's congresses at all levels in Tibet.西藏的门巴、珞巴等少数民族虽然人口极少,在全国人大及西藏各级人大中也均有各自在人大会上的代表。
With the addition of theLhobaethnic group, identified in 1965, and the Jino ethnic group, identified in 1979, there are 55 ethnic minority groups which have been formally recognized and made known to the public.加上1965年确认的珞巴族、1979年确认的基诺族,全国55个少数民族都被正式确认并公布。
the Tibetan, Mongolian,Lhoba, Monba, Tu and Uygur, to Tibetan Buddhism , and the Dai, Blang and Deang to Hinayana Buddhism.藏族,蒙古族,珞巴族,Monba,涂与维吾尔族,以藏传佛教也称为喇嘛教,以及傣族,布朗族和德昂,以小乘佛教。
Many of the 3,000Lhobalive in Tibet s MAINLING COUNTY. Pray for God to send missionaries to live among them. Lk. 10:2珞巴人口3,000人,其中大多住在西藏的米林县。愿上帝差遣宣教士住在他们当中。路10:2




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