释义 |
Lhagoi Kangri 基本例句 拉轨岗日 The Mesozoic and Cenozoic plutonic intrusive rocks are grouped into the Lhagoi Kangri and Gangdise granite zones.将中新生代深成侵入岩划分为拉轨岗日花岗岩带和冈底斯花岗岩带两个岩浆带; LI D W, LIU D M, LIAO Q A, et al.Definition and significance of the Lhagoi Kangri metamorphic core complex in Sa'gya, southern Tibet ;.Geological Bulletin of China, 2003, 22: 7-11.;李德威;刘德民;廖群安;等.;藏南萨迦拉轨岗日变质核杂岩的厘定及其成因; Brahmaputra and the Lake is a separate stretches over 360 kilometers around the mountain, the Tibetan people call it La-track Kangri Hill.把雅鲁藏布江和羊卓雍湖隔开的是一条延绵约360多千米的山脉,藏族人民把它叫做拉轨岗日山。 |