

单词 lexicographers
释义 lexicographers ˌleksɪˈkɔgrəfi:z COCA¹⁶⁴⁸¹⁴BNC²⁴⁶⁸⁵Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
n.词典编纂lexicography的名词复数原型lexicographer的复数 And lexicographers would then have to add that meaning to their dictionaries.
到那时,字典编纂者也许不得不把这一词条收录到他们的字典里。 ecocn

I don’t know if this will put you off your cup of tea but this really is what lexicographers and etymologists speculate about in their working hours.
不知道,这样的解释会不会让您失去品茶的雅兴。不过,它确实是词典编纂者和词源学家们在工作时所思考和揣测的问题。 yeeyan

Instead, the80 lexicographers who have been working on the third edition for the past21 years have been told the fruits of their labour will exist solely online.
在过去21年间修订第三版的80位词典编纂者被告知他们的劳动成果将只存在于网上。 putclub

The importance of grammatical information in English-Chinese Learners' dictionaries has been recognized by lexicographers since a long time ago.
英汉学习型词典内语法信息的重要性长期以来都受到众多词典学家的关注。 cnki

The irony is that judges have vastly more power than lexicographers do to define words.
可笑的是,法官在解释词语定义上的权力比字典编纂者大得多。 ecocn

The work of early lexicographers, of whom the most famous was Samuel Johnson, also led to greater standardisation in matters such as spelling.
早期字典编纂者,其中最著名的是塞缪耳·约翰逊的工作,也导致了拼法等的进一步标准化。 chinafanyi.com

The lexicographers meet regularly to discuss these“ neologisms”.
编辑员们常在一起讨论如何对待这些新词。 cctv

At the University of Chicago there aren't a lot of jobs for lexicographers.
在芝加哥大学,词典编纂者并没有很多的工作。 odict

Dictionaries are, after all, giant databases of words compiled by lexicographers who investigate word usages and meanings.
毕竟,字典是字典编纂者编写的有关词汇用法和意义的庞大的数据库。 ebigear

If tens of millions of people are using a word over a period of years, lexicographers put it in the dictionary.
如果百万人中有十几个人用一个单词超过几年,那么辞典编撰者就会收录到辞典里。 yeeyan

Practical application shows that the system can reduce noises greatly and bring up the efficiency of lexicographers.
实际应用表明该系统能够很好的降低噪声,提高辞典编纂者的效率。 fabiao

They pass into conventional symbols in the multiform uses of daily speech; they become commonplace factors of a commonplace present, and remain historic only to lexicographers and philologists.
它们作为传统的符号使用在各式日常言语里,变得司空见惯,它们的原意只限于词典编纂者和语言学家。 blog.sina.com.cn

This thesis, on one hand, discusses the application of prototype theory to the study of semantics, pointing out that some ideas of word meanings are worthy of lexicographers' consultation.
作者从语义学的角度讨论了类典型理论运用到语义研究上所取得的成果,指出这些成果的应用前景,包括对词典编撰学的可能应用前景。 cnki




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