

单词 levitated
释义 lev·i·tate·d 英'levɪteɪt美'levɪteɪt COCA⁷⁹⁷⁸⁷BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
cause to rise in the air and float, as if in defiance of gravity;

The magician levitated the woman

be suspended in the air, as if in defiance of gravity;

The guru claimed that he could levitate

近义词 soar翱翔float漂浮hover盘旋ascend上升fly up翘起take off起飞rise up起来反抗

用作动词US scientistslevitatemice to study low gravity.美国科学家将老鼠送上太空以进行失重研究。
I often dream that I canlevitate.我经常梦想我能够飞起来在空中飘浮。 An untouched fiber-optic colorimetric thermometry is introduced in order to measure temperature of an object levitated by acoustic field when both the object and acoustic field are not affected.
为了在不影响声悬浮场及悬浮物的情况下进行高温超声悬浮物体的温度测量,提出了非接触式光纤比色测温法。 dictall

In addition, the fundamental principles, control techniques, application fields and developing trends of magnetically levitated electric machines are described.
概述了传统电机存在的问题,阐述了磁悬浮电机的基本原理、控制技术、应用领域及其发展趋势。 dictall

Magnetically levitated trains such as the19- mile- long Shanghai Transrapid are not under serious consideration.
不过像19英里长的上海磁浮线那样的磁悬浮列车并不会成为首要之选。 yeeyan

Magnetically levitatedMAGLEV train is a high speed vehicle which eagerly needs to be developed.
磁浮列车是一种急需发展的新型高速交通工具。 cnki

The author has developed a levitated impeller pump merely with permanent magnets.
采用永久磁铁研制出磁浮叶轮血泵。 cnki

The four gold magnets supporting the levitated graphite in the carbon cube are examples that would equally belong here.
四金磁铁支持磁悬浮石墨的碳立方体的例子,将同样属于这里。 blog.chinamil.com.cn

The laser trap can keep a tiny spherical sample— measuring only a millimeter across — levitated so experiments can be done.
激光阱能使一个直径仅1毫米的微小的球形样品保持悬浮,这样就可以做实验了。 yeeyan

The rotor of the PMSM is fixed to the pump impeller of the artificial heart, and is levitated by a magnetic bearing.
电机转子安装在人工心脏泵的叶轮上,并因电磁轴承的作用而悬浮。 cnki

The static and dynamic property of magnetic levitation force of melt texture growth MTG high temperature superconducting ball levitated above a permanent magnetic ring is investigated.
研究了悬浮于永磁圈之上的熔融织构 MTG高温超导球所受到的悬浮力的静态和动态性质。 cnki

This paper mainly researches the dynamic characteristic of flexible magnetic levitated rotor, and establishes theory model and calculation model to solve natural frequency and modal.
主要研究了柔性磁悬浮转子的动态特性,并建立了求解其固有频率和振型的理论与计算模型。 cnki

With the collaborative platform based on ADAMS and MATLAB, the design methodology of LQG controllers is proposed for the single- rail orthogonal model to be levitated and guided automatically.
利用 ADAMS与 MATLAB协同平台,提出基于单轨正交模型的主动悬浮与导向 LQG控制器设计方法。 cnki

According to the structure characteristics of levitated globular reflector, a compact element- partition method is introduced.
依据空飘球的结构特点,给出了分割元的简捷方法。 dictall

Campsite manager Mr. Roberts and his family were levitated at the Quidditch World Cup by Death Eaters led by Lucius Malfoy.
场地管理员罗伯茨先生和他的家人在魁地奇世界杯期间被卢修斯·马尔福带领的食死徒悬浮在空中。 www.hoolee8.com

In effect, it levitated on a thin bromobenzene film.
事实上,它悬浮在一层溴苯薄膜上。 yeeyan

In the late 1990s, he levitated a living frog at room temperature using diamagnetic force.
在上世纪90年代,他曾在室温下用反磁性力将一只活青蛙悬浮起来。 yeeyan

In this paper quite thorough measurement in situ, as well as overall analysis of noise beside the first commercialized magnetically levitated systems maglev in the world is presented.
在世界上第一条商业化磁悬浮轨道交通运营线上,对磁悬浮列车行驶噪声进行较为深入的现场测试,并进行较为全面的分析研究。 cnki

Magnetically levitated wind collectors?
磁悬浮风力收藏家? telaijz

On the other hand, he thinks the wind might have caught him in mid-jump, so perhaps he only levitated himself.
从另一方面说,他觉得风半路上把他托上去了,所以他也许只是对自己使用了飘浮咒。 hjenglish

The magnetically levitated box creates a void underneath, suggesting presence of all living beings.
这个受磁场悬浮的盒子,下方是一片真空,隐喻所有活着的生命。 award.buildbook.com.cn

The occupant is levitated toward the outside, out of these“ tubes”.
走廊的占有者向外部漂去,走出这些“管道”。 myoops

To detect the location and speed of high- speed maglevmagnetically levitated vehicles, a location and speed detecting scheme was proposed.
为实现高速磁浮列车位置和速度检测,提出一个检测方案。 cnki

What are the main differences between a magnetically levitated train and an ordinary train?
磁悬浮火车和普通火车有什么主要的区别? blog.sina.com.cn

When the topology of levitated- windings power converters is three- phase half- bridge, the midpoint voltage of converters unbalances with asymmetric load.
悬浮绕组功率变换器采用三相半桥结构时,由于负载的不对称,存在中点电压漂移问题。 dictall




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