level the playing field短语⁷⁹⁹⁷⁸⁺⁹ 基本例句 创造人人机会均等的局面人人机会均等 But the government needs to get China to level the playing field so that our cars can sell over there. 但是联邦政府也需要和中国政府就一些问题达成一致,这样我们自己的汽车才能漂洋过海。 yeeyan To level the playing field, Sony has struck a deal with Google that gives users free access to more than a million books scanned by the internet firm. 为了扳平比分,索尼与谷歌达成了交易,使它的用户能够免费获取由这家互联网公司扫描到网络上的上百万图书。 ecocn.org