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词汇 leveled
释义 lev·el·ed 英'levl美'levl 高COCA²⁰²⁷⁹iWeb²⁹²⁵⁵

line or surface parallel to the horizon, especially with reference to its height


position on a scale of quantity, strength, value, etc.


relative position in rank, class or authority


having a surface which is the same height above the ground all over


equal in position or standard


steady and unvarying



vt. 使平坦;变平

make or become level or flat

vt. 使…成平面;变成平面

bring or come into a horizontal plane

a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality;

a moderate grade of intelligence

a high level of care is required

it is all a matter of degree

a relative position or degree of value in a graded group;

lumber of the highest grade

a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process;

a remarkable degree of frankness

at what stage are the social sciences?

height above ground;

the water reached ankle level

the pictures were at the same level

indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquida flat surface at right angles to a plumb line;

park the car on the level

an abstract place usually conceived as having depth;

a good actor communicates on several levels

a simile has at least two layers of meaning

the mind functions on many strata simultaneously

a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale;

what level is the office on?

having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another;

a flat desk

acres of level farmland

a plane surface

skirts sewn with fine flat seams

not showing abrupt variations;

spoke in a level voice

she gave him a level look

being on a precise horizontal plane;

a billiard table must be level

oriented at right angles to the plumb;

the picture is level

of the score in a contest;

the score is tied

aim at;

level criticism or charges at somebody

tear down so as to make flat with the ground;

The building was levelled

make level or straight;

level the ground

direct into a position for use;

point a gun

He charged his weapon at me

talk frankly with; lay it on the line;

I have to level with you

become level or even;

The ground levelled off


❌ I'm ashamed of my low English level.

✔️ I'm ashamed of my poor English.

把“英语水平低”译作low English level是汉语式英语,正确的翻译应该是poor English。

do one's level best, do one's best


I'll do my best to finish it.我将尽力完成这件事。
I'm sure Brooks will do his level best.我肯定,布鲁克斯会竭尽全力的。on a level, on the level


The ground floor of our house is on a level with the street.我家房子的底层与街面一样高。
Technically, both players are on a level.双方运动员在技术方面不相上下。
Is his offer on the level?他的提议真诚吗?
Although he got rich very quickly he did it completely on the level.他虽然很快致富,但靠的完全是正当手段。

注意on the level也可表示“在平地上”。例如:

He could run fast on the level.在平地上他能跑得很快。
level, flat




This road is level until you get near the hill.这条路很平,你可直达附近小山。
level, aim, point, train


1.瞄准方法不同:aim指端起枪瞄准; train指把枪放在对准其目标的位置上; level指把枪放在水平位置上瞄准; point则指以某物的一端或尖端对准某一点。例如:

The army trained its cannon on the fort.军队把大炮对准了要塞。
The second sentry leveled his halberd at the parson's breast.第二个警卫把他的戟对准了牧师的胸口。
He pointed his finger at me.他用手指着我。

2.搭配范围不同:aim和train可以表示以镜头对准; 而level和point不能这样用。例如可以说He trained the camera upon the children.它把相机对准孩子们。

3.连用的介词不同:aim与at, for连用; train与on〔upon〕连用; level与at, against 连用; 而point则与at, to连用。

4.使用场合不同:aim for多见于较正式的文体中。

用作名词 n.
动词+~catch up with level追赶…水平destroy level破坏平衡find one's own level找到相称的位置lift the level提高水平mark a level标志水平raise the level提高水平reach a level of达到…水平reduce to level of减到…水平seek one's own level找到相称的位置sink to level of落到…水平take a level作水准测量touch a level达到水平形容词+~average level一般水平,平均水平early level初级阶段general level一般水平,总的水平high level高水平international level国际水准low level低水平mental level智力水平ordinary level普通水平the national level国家水准the same level同一水平top level高层次usual level通常的水平various level各种水平名词+~college level大学水平energy level能量级eye level齐眼的高度ground level地平面high school level高中水平sea level海平面state level〈美〉州级水准water level水平面world level世界水平介词+~above level高于…水平at a level在某一水准the government at all level各级政府机关at the same level在同一水平上on a level with与…相等,和…同一水准on the level在平地上,公平,不耍花招~+介词level of a gun瞄准线all level of society社会各阶层level of the lake湖面level of the sea海平面用作形容词 adj.~+名词level crossing平交道口level gauge水准仪level ground平地level head稳健清晰的头脑level land平地level plain平原level race势均力敌的赛跑动词+~draw level扳平副词+~fairly level相当平坦quite level十分平坦~+介词level with同…相平level with the street同街面一样高用作动词 v.~+名词level the pitch平整场地level the road平整道路~+副词level continuously不断地平整level conveniently方便地平整level endlessly无休止地平整level exactly恰好整平level fairly适当地平整level roughly粗略地整平level smoothly平整得很光滑level tiresomely令人疲倦地平整level unevenly整得不平level uniformly均匀地平整level down将…向下整平,使…向低水平下降level off将…弄平,使平稳level out平坦起来,达到平衡〔稳定〕,消除差别等level up向上填平,将收入等向上拉平level a road up把路填高level up the prices提高物价~+介词level against对某人提出控诉level at用枪瞄准,将…的矛头指向level the rock into the hole用杠杆把岩石撬进坑里level to the ground把…夷为平地level with和…一样高,向某人说实话
用作名词n.find one's own level

找到与自己相称的位置 find and associate with the people with whom one is morally, socially or intellectually equal

用作形容词adj.draw level

势均力敌,打成平手 be evenly matched in strength;be in equilibrium

level against v.+prep.

对某人提出控诉 state a charge against (sb)

level sth against sbThey levelled an accusation against her.他们对她提出起诉。
A serious charge was levelled against the minister.那位部长受到了严重指控。
The thief was taken to the police station, where a charge of robbery was levelled against him.那个小偷被带到警察局,在那里,他被指控犯了抢劫罪。
level at v.+prep.

将…的矛头指向某人( direct sth such as opposition towards sb)

level down v.+adv.

使…向低水平下降 low (sth such as incomes to an equal level)

level off v.+adv.

变平稳;变稳定 become level, flat or at a steady rate

level sth ⇔ offLevel off the shelves with a spirit level.用水平仪把架子弄平。
When the house was built, the garden had to be levelled off with a big earth-moving machine.建房时得用大型推土机把园子推平。level offOn reaching 1000 metres, the pilot levelled off.到达1000米高度时,驾驶员便做水平飞行。
After going up for six months, the cost of living levelled off in September.生活费用上涨了6个月以后于9月份稳定下来。
level out v.+adv.

消除差别等( make sth such as difference equal)

level outEast of the gorge leveled out.峡谷东面地势变平坦了。level sth ⇔ outThe steam-roller levelled out the gravel roadbed and then the concrete was poured.蒸汽压路机把砾石路基压平后浇灌了混凝土。level outYou are unlikely to get further promotion—we all have to level out some time.你大概不会再被提升了——我们的事业都会达到不再发展的地步。level sth ⇔ outThe tax system is extended to level out the big differences between rich and poor.这个税法旨在消除贫富间的差距。
level up v.+adv.

将收入等向上拉平 raise (sth such as incomes to an equal level)

level sth ⇔ upThe idea of equal education was to level up the general standard.教育平等的思想旨在提高大众的水平。
level with v.+prep.

〈口〉向某人说实话 speak the truth to (sb)

近义词 evenrazeplaneequalsmoothdestroyflattendemolishadj. flathorizontalequivalentuniformv. equalize反义词 raise上升uneven不平坦的
用作名词n.The top of this mountain is 4000 metres above the sea level.这座山高度为海拔4000米。
The river often rises above the normal level.河水经常高出正常水位。
The mercury in those two thermometres is on the same level.那两个温度计里的水银柱的高度一样。
The car is parked on the lower level of garage.汽车停放在车库的下层。
The garden is arranged on two levels.花园的布局分高低两层。
A squadron of bombers are flying above the level of clouds.一中队轰炸机在云层上面飞行。
The archaeologists discovered fossils in the lowest level of rock.考古学家在岩石的最底层发现了一些化石。
They found some gold coins and mummies in the lowest level of the site.他们在发掘现场的最下层找到一些金币和几具木乃伊。
On a purely practical level there will be an awful lot of work to do.纯粹从实际角度考虑,有大量的工作要做。
They are determining the serum-protein and cholesterol levels.他们正在测定血清蛋白和胆固醇的浓度。
Levels of unemployment vary from region to region.失业状况因地区而异。
We are afraid that Helen will bring Simon down to her own level.我们担心海伦会使西蒙落到她那样的地步。
These decisions were made well below the level of top management.这些决定是由级别远远低于最高管理层的人员作出的。
Her work is not up to a professional level.她的工作没有达到专业水平。
They will be examined as to their present educational level.要考一考他们现在的文化水平。
The general level of the troop training was not high.部队训练的总体水平不高。
The level of the political debate is very poor.这种政治辩论的水平很差。
We must raise the moral and intellectual level of the people.我们必须提高人民的道德和知识水准。
Prices have held the same level for a month.价格一直维持同等水平达一月之久。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.The city spread out on a level terrain.城市向平坦的地带扩展。
The prairies are vast stretches of nearly level land.这些大草原是一大片一大片较为平坦的土地。
Those low and level landscapes are characteristic of the continent as a whole.总的说来那低洼平坦的地势是本大洲的特色。
He went over from low level class to high level class.他从低年级跳到高年级。
She gave me a level look.她平静地看了我一眼。
He has a level head and is good at solving difficult problems.他头脑冷静,善于处理难题。
He kept a level head through the whole incident.在整个事件中,他始终保持镇静。
S+be+~The floor is quite level.这地板很平。
The top of the mountain is level.这山顶很平坦。
A football field needs to be level.足球场必须平坦。
Even though he was getting angry, his voice remained level.即使他非常生气,他的声音仍保持稳定。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseThey were level in the race till the last few metres, then Haas went ahead to win.他们一直跑得不分前后,但离终点最后几米时,哈斯冲到前面,赢得了胜利。
The tree top is level with the roof.树梢和屋顶一样高。
The child's head is level with his father's knee.孩子的头与他父亲的膝相齐。
In spring the river's surface is often level with the banks.在春天,河水常常涨到与河岸一样高。
Brooks is level with Imes in class.布鲁克斯在班里和艾姆斯程度相同。
She attempts no work that is not level with her capacities.她并不想干她力不能及的工作。
These children want to be level with adults .这些孩子要与大人们平起平坐。
S+V+O+~Hold the dish level.把盘子端平。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The workers are leveling the road.工人们正在平整道路。
The bulldozer leveled the mount of earth.推土机把土山推平。
We levelled our cricket pitch last week.上星期,我们平整了板球场地。
His goal levelled the scores of the two teams.他的进球把两队的得分拉平了。
Death levels all man.死亡使所有人归于平等。
The ground had to be levelled before construction could be begun.必须先平整地面才能开始施工。








We must increase productionlevels.我们必须提高生产水平。用作形容词用作动词We need a mechanical digger to level the ground.我们需要一台挖掘机来平整土地。
The bombing raid practicallyleveledthe town.空袭几乎把这座城镇夷为平地。
The hostage had a riflelevelledat his head.一枝步枪瞄准着人质的头。 Less than24 hours after the quake hit, the death toll had climbed close to 10,000 and state media reported that in one county80 percent of the buildings had been leveled.
在地震袭击的不到24小时内,死亡人数已经上升到一万人,官方媒体报道有一个县80%的建筑均已倒塌。 yeeyan




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