

单词 leukopenia
释义 leu·co·pe·ni·a 英ˌluːkəˈpiːniːə美ˌlukəˈpiniəAHDl›”kə-pēʹnē-ə COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb⁴⁸⁵⁸¹
an abnormal lowering of the white blood cell countbasophilic leukopenia嗜碱性白细胞减少…
leuko-白-penia减少⇒n.白血球减少症近义词 leucopenia医白血球减少症…
The common toxicities encountered were leukopenia and digestive tract reactions.
毒副反应主要为骨髓抑制和消化道反应。 cnki

The main adverse effects included leukopenia, alopecia and myalgia.
不良反应主要有白细胞下降、脱发、肌痛等。 cnki

The rate of leukopenia in astragalus group was significantly lower than those in control group P0.05.
黄芪组的白细胞减少发生率显著低于对照组 P0.05。 cnki

The main toxicities were leukopenia and thrombocytopenia.
毒性反应为白细胞减少和血小板减少。 cnki

There were no differences in leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, nausea and vomiting between the two groups P>0.05.
药物毒副反应白细胞减少、血小板减少、恶心、呕吐两组间均无显著性差异 P>0.05。 cnki

To observe the therapeutic effect of Radix Astragali InjectionRAI on peripheral blood leukopenia caused by viral infection in Children.
观察黄芪注射液对小儿病毒感染性疾病引起的外周血白细胞减少的治疗效果。 cnki

Dyspnea, hypoxemia, and leukopenia developed in the experimental animals.
实验动物出现呼吸困难、低氧血症和白细胞减少。 cnki

Howeer, severe side effects such as anemia, leukopenia and pneumonitis were significantly more common in the combination group.
然而,贫血、白细胞减少和肺炎等严重副作用在联合治疗组更常见。 iciba

In anti- PMNs serum induced leukopenia rats, the lung injury was not so severe as normal rats.
以抗多形核白细胞抗体造成白细胞减少的大鼠,肺损伤就没有正常大鼠那样严重。 cnki

Objective To observe the effect of spleen-strengthening and kidney-reinforcing method on leukopenia in patients with malignant tumor after chemotherapy.
观察健脾补肾中药对恶性肿瘤化疗病人的白细胞减少症的作用。 cnki

Objective To investigate the effect of point injection on post- chemotherapeutic leukopenia.
目的观察穴位注射对肿瘤患者化疗后白细胞减少的影响。 cnki

Objective To observe the curative effect of burnet root leukopoietic tablets on leukopenia caused by chemotherapy of gynecological tumor.
目的观察地榆升白片对妇科肿瘤化疗中白细胞减少症的疗效。 iciba

Objective To treat leukopenia with polysaccharide of bacteria, to observe the effect on pharmacodynamics and breath, blood pressure, heart rate of the rabbits.
目的采用细菌多糖治疗白细胞减少症,观察其药效学作用及对家兔呼吸、血压、心率的影响。 cnki

Objective:To investigate the clinical effect of tiopronin on prophylaxis and treatment of leukopenia and neutropenia in tumour chemotherapy.
目的:观察硫普罗宁在肿瘤化疗中防治白细胞及粒细胞减少的临床效果。 cnki

Objective:To investigate the relationship between change of skin- window cells response and the capability of anti- infection in patients with leukopenia.
目的:分析研究白细胞减少症患者皮窗细胞反应的变化与机体抗感染防御能力的关系。 cnki

The acute toxicities during irradiation were leukopenia and urethral stimulant symptoms.
放疗的主要毒性是白细胞减少和尿道刺激症状。 cnki

There was no correlation between leukopenia, the elevation in thyroxine and the positive thyroid- related antibodies in GD patients.
GD患者出现白细胞数目的减少与甲状腺激素水平升高和甲状腺抗体阳性无关。 cnki

This pathogenesis causes pneumonia and destroys leukocytes, leading to leukopenia, which is a prominent clinical feature of influenza H5N1 virus in humans.
这一机制导致肺炎并破坏白细胞,引起白细胞减少症,后者是人类感染 H5N1型禽流感突出的临床表现。 cadjy

Toxic actions and side effects were mainly local phlebitis, nausea, vomiting and leukopenia.
毒副反应主要是局部静脉炎,恶心、呕吐和白细胞下降。 cnki

Treating35 eases of benzene poisoning leukopenia with Fuzheng-Shengbai capsule FSH, the total effective rate is88.5%.
本文用中药扶正升白胶囊 FSH治疗苯中毒白细胞减少症35例。总有效率为88.5%; cnki

Leukopenia, decreased hemoglobin, nausea and vomiting in group B were more serious than those in group A, The difference was significant.
白细胞、血红蛋白减少及恶心、呕吐反应, B组较 A组明显,差异有显著性。 cnki




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