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词汇 leukaemia
释义 leukaemia l j u:-ˈki:miə ★☆☆☆☆高I八COCA⁸³⁵⁰⁶BNC¹⁰⁰⁶²iWeb²³²⁶⁸Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

malignant neoplasm of blood-forming tissues; characterized by abnormal proliferation of leukocytes; one of the four major types of cancercattle leukaemia牛白血病childhood leukaemia儿童期白血病…Cattle leukaemia virus牛白血病病毒…
非常记忆leu录〖谐音〗+ka卡〖拼音〗+e鹅〖编码〗+mia米亚〖熟词Mia〗⇒录音卡带里出现鹅的叫声吓到了白血病人米亚leukaem-血-ia…的⇒n.白血球过多症²;白血病⁹⁵;血癌³=leukemia美.近义词 leukemia白血病leucaemia白血病cancer of the blood血癌
用作名词He's being treated with steroids forleukaemia.他因患白血病正在接受类固醇治疗。
What is the earlier symptom ofleukaemiapatient?白血病患者的初期症状是什么呀?
She passed away due to prolonged exposure to radio-beam leading toleukaemia.居里夫人最后因为接触太多的化学品和无线电波,得到白血球血癌症。 In2001 Novartis, a Swiss drugmaker, won approval for Gleevec, which treats chronic myeloid leukaemia by attacking another abnormal protein.
2001年瑞士的“诺华公司”获得药物 Gleevec的审批,该药通过攻击另一种非正常蛋白治疗慢性髓样白血病。 ecocn

Scientists have established beyond doubt that in rare cases cancer can be transmitted in the womb, following the birth of a baby to a woman with leukaemia.
在一个罕见的白血病孕妇病例中,癌症细胞通过胎盘传递给了婴儿。这一发现颠覆了传统的医学观念。 yeeyan

Specialists at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge diagnosed leukaemia and he was immediately put on a course of chemotherapy.
剑桥 Addenbrooke医院的医学专家诊断出他患有白血病,立即让他开始化疗。 iciba

The former Brazilian President Itamar Franco has died in hospital in Sao Paulo from complications from leukaemia. He was 81.
巴西前总统伊达玛•佛朗哥 Itamar Franco因白血病并发症在圣保罗医院去世,享年81岁。 hxen

“ These people are undergoing total body radiation, which can cause leukaemia and lymphoma as well as thyroid cancer later on,” he said.
他说:“这些人正承受着完全的身体辐射,这以后会导致白血病、淋巴癌和甲状腺癌。” yeeyan

As drugs have improved, use of the metal has declined, though it is still used for a rare form called acute promyelocytic leukaemia.
随着药物的不断改进,也越来越少地使用它。只是在治疗很少见的急性早幼粒细胞性白血病上还使用它。 yeeyan

But, since the late1700s, compounds of the metal have also been used to treat leukaemia.
但是从十八世纪后期,金属配合物就用来治疗白血病。 yeeyan

Doctors in the German capital Berlin were surprised to discover that a bone marrow transplant they used for the patient with leukaemia also cured him of the HIV virus.
德国首都柏林的医生们惊奇地发现,他们给这位白血病患者进行的骨髓移植同时也治好了他的艾滋病。 i21st

Harnessing the power of the immune system to cure and protect patients from leukaemia is one of our priority areas of research.
利用免疫系统的力量治疗或预防白血病是我们的研究领域要优先考虑的问题。 yeeyan

He found that arsenic acts like a glue, sticking itself to a type of molecule involved in leukaemia.
他发现,砷的反应就像胶水,粘在和白血病有关的一种叫作Sumo的分子上。 yeeyan

However, doctors have warned her that a heart transplant is risky and that, even if it succeeded, the drugs used to prevent her body rejecting the new heart could prompt a recurrence of the leukaemia.
然而,医生警告说,心脏移植手术风险很高,而且即便手术成功,防止排异反应的药物会使白血病复发。 yeeyan

However, there is some evidence suggesting that hepatitis B vaccination does not cause childhood leukaemia.
然而,也有证据提示乙肝疫苗接种不会引起儿童白血病。 who

In 2002 a different virus triggered leukaemia in several children.
2002年,基因载体引发了多个儿童的白血病。 yeeyan

Ionizing radiation is a known cause of certain types of leukaemia a malignancy of blood cells.
电离辐射是导致某些类型白血病一种血细胞恶性肿瘤的一种已知原因。 who

MrBaxter died of leukaemia shortly after the ruling was issued.
巴克斯特先生在该规定生效以后死于白血病。 yeeyan

None has supported the suggestion that there may be an increased risk of leukaemia following hepatitis B vaccination or any other routine infant vaccination.
没有一项研究支持在接种乙肝疫苗或任何其他婴儿常规疫苗接种后可导致白血病风险增加的说法。 who

Occupational exposure to mercury also has not been associated with leukaemia.
职业性暴露于汞也与白血病没有相关性。 who

Outbreaks of leukaemia have not followed accidental exposure to large amounts of mercury, such as in Minamata, Japan and in Iraq.
白血病的暴发如在日本的水俣和在伊拉克都并不是因为偶然地暴露于大量汞之后产生的。 who

Recent investigations suggest a doubling of the incidence of leukaemia among the most highly exposed Chernobyl liquidators.
近期调查表明在接触剂量最高的切尔诺贝利事故清理者中白血病发病率加倍。 who

She was diagnosed with an advanced stage of leukaemia and died.
她被确诊为白血病晚期并已身故。 yeeyan

Such brief exposure to minute amounts of mercury is unlikely to be a sufficient carcinogenic stimulus to trigger childhood leukaemia.
人体在如此短的时间内暴露于微量汞,不太可能作为充分的致癌因素而引起儿童白血病。 who

The discovery could lead to better uses for arsenic in therapies for leukaemia with fewer side effects.
这一发现可以帮助医生在用砷治疗白血病的过程中,使副作用几乎不存在。 yeeyan

The research suggested a link only between thiomersal in the hepatitis B vaccine and leukaemia.
该研究只提出乙肝疫苗中所含的硫柳汞与白血病之间存在联系。 who

They include breast, bowel, ovarian and skin cancer, leukaemia and malignant melanoma.
它们包括乳腺癌、肠癌、卵巢癌、皮肤癌、白血病和恶性黑色素瘤。 yeeyan

Two other studies, meanwhile, confirmed that a similar approach to chronic myelogenous leukaemia continues to bear fruit.
同时,另外两项研究显示同样的方法针对慢性骨髓性白血病也奏效。 ecocn

Which is precisely what happens in the case of chronic myelogenous leukaemia.
这种情况在慢性粒细胞白血病中尤为常见。 ecocn




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