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A patch test 基本例句 贴皮试验 There is alsoa patch testin which an ethanol-soaked pad is applied to the skin.If it causes reddening after 10 or 15 minutes, there is a high likelihood that the person is ALDH2-deficient.还有一个皮肤试验,将用乙醇浸泡过的布垫敷到皮肤上,如果10到15分钟后引起皮肤发红 ,那么该人极有可能该人是ALDH2缺陷患者。 Please doa patch testbefore use.Apply a little cream to the skin behind the ear or on the inside of the arm.Apply to a larger area in case of no allergic reaction.Unsuitable for allergic skin.注意示项:敏感性肌肤慎用,使用前请先做皮试,取少量膏体涂于手臂内侧或耳垂,无过敏反应请再使用,过敏性皮肤谢绝使用。 |