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词汇 Apartments
释义 Apartments
And three architects in Paris have researched an inexpensive way to improve and renovate existing modern housing developments while residents stay in their apartments.
同样,三名巴黎的建筑师也在研究一种廉价方法,来改善和翻修现存公寓中有着住户的现代房屋。 ecocn

In the meantime, China’s middle class aspirants look at all the empty apartments, blaming the government that they can’t buy affordable housing so that they can get a job and get married.
与此同时,中国中产阶级也在关注那些空无一人的公寓,指责政府不能让他们买到负担得起的住房,以便获得工作与结婚的机会。 yeeyan

In the early2000s, an architect and his wife converted it from rental apartments to a single family home.
2000年的时候,一位建筑师和他的妻子将这座租赁公寓变成了单一家庭住宅。 yeeyan

A woman in Manhattan slid her menus under the doors of apartments when her restaurant was not very busy.
曼哈顿的一位妇女在她的餐厅并不十分繁忙的时候,把菜单悄悄的放在公寓的门底下。 yeeyan

Around almost every college and university in China are cheap apartments and bungalows for rent, where lots of graduates like Ye live.
在中国,几乎每所高校附近都有廉价的公寓和平房出租,那里居住着许多像叶东这样的毕业生。 kekenet

Buyers like these apartments as they are similar to rare jewellery.

Facing the park on Fifth Avenue are probably the most expensive apartments in the world.
第五大街上那些面对公园的公寓厅可能是世界上最昂贵的公寓了。 kekenet

Good apartments go quickly!
好的公寓要快出手。 yeeyan

I kept searching and finally discovered that there were a lot of Swedish agents that helped people find apartments on the Spanish coast.
我不停的找并且最终发现这里有许多瑞典的中介帮助人们在西班牙的海岸边上寻找公寓。 yeeyan

If you find an apartment you like, submit an application to the landlord or property manager immediately. Good apartments go quickly!
如果你找到了一个你喜欢的公寓,立刻向业主或者物业经理提出申请。好的公寓要快出手。 yeeyan

In Miami my mother and I settled in a cluster of apartments with other Cuban women and children who had immigrated.
在迈阿密,母亲和我以及其他移民到美国的古巴妇女和孩子在几处公寓安顿下来。 yeeyan

Living in NYC is strange because we're all packed together in small apartments stacked on top of each other.
住在纽约是件很奇怪的事情,因为我们要挤在一个小公寓里,每个人一层层的上下住着。 yeeyan

Most apartments come with a kitchen and you can save on the cost of breakfast and some dinners this way.
大部分的公寓都配有厨房,你可以顺便把早饭和一些晚饭的钱节约下来。 yeeyan

Private developers prefer it this way, too, as they can usually achieve better profit margins by selling apartments for the top end of the market.
私营开发商也喜欢这种做法,因为这样他们往往可以在高端市场上销售公寓而获得更高的利润率。 voa365

Residents of luxury apartments across the bay complain about Irifune’s shabby appearance.
住在横跨海湾豪华公寓的居民抱怨入船的衰败景象。 ecocn

She explains that it is an art project that she worked on with her friends. Together they wanted to paint a labyrinth world in one of the empty apartments.
她解释说,这是她和朋友们一起参加的一个艺术项目,他们想要在一幢空出来的公寓楼里画出一个迷宫来。 yeeyan

Some games take place in private apartments, with paper covering the windows or shades pulled tight, or in the backrooms of community associations.
有些赌局开在私人公寓或社区协会的后屋中。 这些公寓都用纸糊了窗,或者把窗帘紧紧拉着。 yeeyan

The properties include not just apartments but even castles and villas.
参展的房产不仅包括公寓,甚至还有城堡和别墅。 hxen

What if I offer to clean the spacious apartments that my friends in finance have moved into?
如果我供应一套宽敞的公寓给我那些有钱的朋友们让他们住进来怎么样? yeeyan

When it comes to compensation, many residents have high expectations, saying they will not budge unless the money allows them to buy large apartments near their former homes.
谈到赔偿金问题时,很多住户都有很高的期望,称除非赔偿金足够他们在旧房子附近买套大公寓,否则他们不会让步。 yeeyan




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