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a·pache 英əˈpæʃ, ɑːˈpɑːʃ美əˈpæʃ, ɑˈpɑʃAHDə-păshʹ, ä-päshʹ COCA²⁰²³¹BNC³¹⁴⁷⁷iWeb¹⁰⁶¹⁷ 基本英英例句例句 n.北美土著阿巴契人;阿帕奇直升机¹⁰⁰名词复数apaches Noun: any member of Athapaskan tribes that migrated to the southwestern desert from Arizona to Texas and south into Mexico; fought a losing battle from 1861 to 1886 with the United States and were resettled in Oklahomaa Parisian gangsterthe language of the ApacheGet the latest distributions ofApacheand PHP.获得最新版本的Apache和PHP。 ApacheAnt was used to build the project.ApacheAnt是用来构建工程的。 ApacheSoftware Foundation download site.及其镜像站点下载。 Apachehas been upgraded to the new version 2.2.Apache已被升级为新版的2.;2。 Apacheis the market leader of Web servers.Apache是处于市场领导地位的Web服务器。 Because of the rules in our Apache configuration, that content is never served by the Rails servers. 按照我们 Apache中配置的规则,这些内容永远都不会由 Rails服务器生成。 ibm The time increased because Apache must now do additional work to process the request, even though no overrides were configured. 时间增加是因为 Apache现在必须完成附加的工作以处理该请求,即使没有配置重写。 ibm The Apache documentation explains all the parameters and calculations necessary. Apache文档解释了所有必要的参数和计算。 ibm The Apache Geronimo project provides a model for this technique with its support for dependency injection and inversion of control. Apache Geronimo项目通过依赖关系注入和反向控制的支持,为这种技术提供了一种模型。 ibm But you must never trust any of the individual Apache servers to be operational at any given time. 但是在任何给定时间您决不能信任任何单个的 Apache服务器是正常运作的。 ibm By default, Apache decides what media type to send with each file by inspecting the file's extension. 根据默认, Apache通过检查文件的扩展名来决定与每个文件一起发送的媒体类型。 ibm Even if you know you'll be using Apache, you sometimes will get the most from it by teaming it up with a lightweight partner. 即使您知道自己将使用 Apache,有时候通过将它与一个轻量级伙伴搭档,反而可以最大限度地利用它。 ibm Finally, you will complete the installation of Apache. 最后,您就完成了 Apache的安装过程。 ibm However, you can also install it as a module in an existing Apache or Jetty environment. 但是,您还可以在现有的 Apache或 Jetty环境中将其作为模块安装。 ibm If you see the PHP code itself then your PHP and Apache installation or configuration is flawed. 如果您看到的是 PHP代码本身,则说明您的 PHP和 Apache的安装或配置有缺陷。 ibm In a prototype life cycle, the Apache Wink run time instantiates a new object for every incoming request. 在原型生命周期中, Apache Wink运行时为每个传入请求实例化一个新的对象。 ibm It never brought down my other Apache instance and was able to communicate with the Jaxer instance on port8081 with no problems. 它从来没有停止我的其他 Apache实例,而且能够在端口8081上与 Jaxer实例通信,也没有出现问题。 ibm Like people have grown accustomed to when working with Apache, you can expand the functionality of Node by installing modules. 正如已经习惯使用 Apache的开发人员那样,您也可以通过安装模块来扩展 Node的功能。 ibm Of course, it is even more efficient to serve such files from a server that is dedicated to serving static content such as an Apache Web server. 当然,一种甚至更有效的方法是从专用于提供静态内容的服务器比如一个 Apache Web服务器提供这样的文件。 ibm Once everything works, you can switch to the CGI or Apache version of the SOAP Web service with only a minor change, as I'll show at the end of this article. 等到一切正常后,便可以切换到 SOAP Web服务的 CGI或 Apache版本,这里只需做一点小小的变动,本文的结尾处会向您展示。 ibm Previously, the articles in this series have demonstrated a number of database concepts by using the ij tool to connect and interact with an Apache Derby database. 在本系列以前的文章中,通过使用 ij工具连接 Apache Derby数据库并与之进行交互,从而演示了许多数据库概念。 ibm Refer to the PHP documentation on how to set up the PHP module with Apache. 有关如何设置使用 Apache来设置 PHP模块的信息,请参考 PHP文档。 ibm Some of the convertors use an APACHE open source API to convert the document, and others use their own logic for conversion. 其中部分转换器使用了一个 APACHE开放源代码 API来转换文档,其他转换器则使用它们自己的逻辑来执行转换。 ibm The Apache Monitor appears on the taskbar as a tray icon. 这时 Apache Monitor会作为面板图标出现在任务栏上。 ibm This corresponds to where you installed Apache. 这对应于您安装 Apache的位置。 ibm This is almost what we want, except that it would rudely dump the user to a standard Apache403 page, instead of giving the option to log in. 这几乎是我们想要的了,除了一点,它将会没理由地将用户定向到一个标准的 Apache403页面,而不是给出登录的选项。 ibm This should stop the Apache server processes on the secondary and start them on the primary. 这样应该会停止第二节点上的 Apache服务器进程,并在主节点上启动它们。 ibm You should have a better understanding of how to use, define, and deploy DB2 resources on the Apache Geronimo application server. 您应该对如何使用、定义和部署 Apache Geronimo应用服务器上的 DB2资源有了一个更好的了解。 ibm Apache Cocoon: Download and get more information on this Web development framework built around the concepts of separation of concerns. Apache Cocoon:下载此框架并了解这个围绕关注分离概念构建的 Web开发框架的更多信息。 ibm Apache1.3 is used for the Web server because it is well suited for integration with both of our application layers. Apache1.3用做 Web服务器,这是因为它非常适合对我们的两个应用程序层进行集成。 ibm |