

单词 Leishmania
释义 Leishmania 英li:ʃ'mæniə美li:ʃ'mæniə COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²

flagellate protozoan that causes leishmaniasisLeishmania major硕大利什曼原虫…Leishmania tropica major硕大热带利什曼原虫…
A disease, such as kala-azar or either of two clinically distinct ulcerative skin diseases, caused by flagellate protozoans of the genusLeishmania.利什曼病一种疾病,如黑热病内脏利什曼病或两种临床上性质不同的溃疡性皮肤病的任何一种,是由利什曼虫属中带有鞭毛的原生动物引起
The parasite, a protozoan calledLeishmaniadonovani, had become resistant to the drugs of choice, compounds based on the element antimony.黑热病利什曼原虫这种原生动物,是造成利什曼病的寄生虫,已对原本使用的锑化合物药物产生抗药性。
Study on the Effect of Alginate Amphotericin B onLeishmaniaDonovani Prom astigotes in Vitro.海藻酸钠两性霉素B对杜氏利什曼原虫前鞭毛体作用体外实验研究
Genomic analysis of parasitic human pathogens, particularly Plasmodium falciparum, andLeishmaniamajor.人类寄生性病原体的基因体分析,特别是疟原虫与利什曼原虫。
The first discover S.suihominis , S . suihominis cases ,Leishmaniadonovani and Kala-azar .在广西第一次发现猪人肉孢子虫和猪人肉孢子虫病; The LACK gene from Leishmania, an analogue of the receptor of activated protein kinase C, was discovered recently.
利什曼原虫的 L ACK抗原是利什曼原虫活性蛋白激酶 C受体同源物,是一种新发现的抗原蛋白。 cnki

AIM: To develop a simple and accurate technique for the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasisVL and identification of Leishmania pathogen.
目的:建立简易、准确的诊断内脏利什曼病和病原体鉴定技术。 jsczz

An infection caused by any of the flagellate protozoans of the genus Leishmania, transmitted to human beings and animals by bloodsucking sand flies.
利什曼病一种传染性疾病。它是由利什曼虫属中任何一种带有鞭毛的原生动物引起,通过吸血的。 iciba

Conclusion Differences at genetic level exist in Leishmania isolates from different foci in China.
结论我国不同疫区利什曼原虫分离株在基因水平上存有差异。 jsczz

Objective To analyze genetic relationship of Leishmania species and strains from China by RAPD technique.
目的我国不同疫区利什曼原虫分离株的 RAPD分析。 jsczz

Objective To establish PCR method for the detection of the asymptomatic infection of Leishmania infantum.
目的建立适合检测我国婴儿利什曼原虫无症状感染的 PCR方法。 jsczz

The new vaccine is based on introducing specific genes and proteins from the protozoan Leishmania infantum into the patient.
这种新疫苗的基础是引入了由利什曼幼虫得到的特异性基因和蛋白到病人体内。 dxy




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