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词汇 Leis axyridis
释义 Leis axyridis
The spatial distribution pattern of the larvae ofLeis axyridiswas of the aggregate pattern and fitted with the negative binomial distribution.异色瓢虫幼虫在烟田的空间分布型为聚集分布,并符合负二项分布。
Coccinella septempunctata and Leis axyridisvar.spectabilis were most sensitive among the tested ladybeetles,both searching and staying time were the longest.七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫显明变种最敏感,搜索和滞留时间也最长。
Propylaea japonica andLeis axyridishad the widest niche overlap;Leis axyridisand Lysiphlebia japonica had the smallest ecological niche overlap.龟纹飘虫与异色飘虫的生态位重叠最大,异色飘虫与棉蚜茧蜂的生态位重叠最小。
The effect of temperature,space, age, and species of the prey and so on to the functional respones of the femaleadults ofLeis axyridisand Lycosa pseudoannulata were also studied.同时研究了温度、空间、猎物大小及种类等因素对小菜蛾主要捕食性天敌功能反应的影响。
Searching behaviour of Coccinella septempunctata and four varieties ofLeis axyridisadults on tea aphid honeydew and analysis of honeydew component七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫四变种成虫对茶蚜蜜露的搜索行为和蜜露的组分分析




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