leinwand 基本例句 莱因万德 When Leinwand received a shipment of20 squirming baby snakes in a pillowcase in2005, she thought perhaps she'd lost her mind, she said. 2005年, Leinwand接收到了运送而来的幼蛇——20条蛇宝宝被封装在一个枕套里,欢快地扭动着身体。回忆此时的情景,她说她当时相当崩溃。 yeeyan Many are trying to replace the standard four annual“seasonal” orders with as many as16 orders a year, says Mr Leinwand. 雷旺德先生说,许多商家正试着将一般每年4次的订货季改为每年16次。 ecocn