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Armed with the Death Star plans, Leia was given a mission by her father to find one of the Republic's greatest heroes and recruit him into the Alliance.
得到这份死星蓝图后,莱娅从父亲那里接受了一项任务:去寻找一位共和国的伟大英雄,并请他加入义军同盟。 starwarsfans

He kidnapped Princess Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker, holding them hostage at an abandoned stellar energy station on Ten Mile Plateau as bait for Solo.
他绑架了莉娅•奥加纳公主和卢克•天行者,把他们关押在十哩高原上一个废弃的恒星能量站,以引诱索罗。 zhihuiguan

Yoga Today features a video of instructor Neesha Zollinger decked out in Princess Leia hair talking about the“ unifying force” and asking participants to breathe like Darth Vader.
《今日瑜伽》节目就有这样一部教学视频,片子里瑜伽教练 Neesha Zollinger梳了个莱雅公主的发型,她提到了“统一的力量”,还要求练习者们向达斯·维达那样呼吸。 yeeyan

Leia learned the nature of political life from her adoptive parents, as well as the codes and protocol of high court life from her aunts Rouge, Tia, and Celly.
莱娅从她的养父母身上认识到了政治生活的本质,同时从她的阿姨鲁热,蒂娅和塞莉那里学到了宫廷生活的规则和礼仪。 starwarschina




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