

单词 legs
释义 legs 英'leɡz美'leɡz COCA¹⁶³⁶BNC¹³⁹²Economist⁶⁵⁴⁵
staying power;

that old Broadway play really has legs

closed legs并腿supporting legs支撑脚legs joined两腿并拢shear legs三脚吊架,动臂起重架…join legs并腿lazy legs软腿病sea legs不晕船duck legs短肢
用作名词The accident left him with paralysis of thelegs.事故使他双腿瘫痪。
Herlegswere so weak that she could hardly stand.她的腿软得几乎站不住了。as in.patience
同义词 composure,diligence,endurance,fortitude,grit,humility,moderation,perseverance,persistence,poise,restraint,self-control,tolerancebackbone,bearing,calmness,constancy,cool,equanimity,forbearance,guts,gutsiness,heart,imperturbability,leniency,long-suffering,longanimity,moxie,nonresistance,passiveness,passivity,resignation,serenity,starch,stoicism,submission,sufferance,toleration,yieldingeven temper,intestinal fortitude,staying power
反义词 agitation,arousal,cowardice,idleness,indifference,indolence,laziness,lethargy,weakness,wildness,fear,resistancefrustration,impatience,intoleranceas in.stamina
同义词 endurance,energy,fortitude,grit,resilience,staying power,vitalitybackbone,force,guts,gutsiness,heart,indefatigability,lustiness,moxie,power,resistance,starch,tolerance,toleration,vim,zipintestinal fortitude,power of endurance
反义词 cowardice,lethargy,weakness,fear,incompetence,powerlessnessapathy,lack,lazinessas in.staying power
同义词 endurance,fortitude,grit,resilience,tolerance,vitalitybackbone,guts,gutsiness,heart,intestinal fortitude,power of endurance
反义词 cowardice,weakness
patiencenoun capacity, willingness to endure
backbone,bearing,calmness,composure,constancy,cool,diligence,endurance,equanimity,even temper,forbearance,fortitude,grit,guts,gutsiness,heart,humility,imperturbability,intestinal fortitude,leniency,long-suffering,longanimity,moderation,moxie,nonresistance,passiveness,passivity,perseverance,persistence,poise,resignation,restraint,self-control,serenity,starch,staying power,stoicism,submission,sufferance,tolerance,toleration,yielding
staminanoun strength, vigor
backbone,endurance,energy,force,fortitude,grit,guts,gutsiness,heart,indefatigability,intestinal fortitude,legs,lustiness,moxie,power,power of endurance,resilience,resistance,starch,staying power,tolerance,toleration,vim,vitality,zip
staying powernoun stamina
backbone,endurance,fortitude,grit,guts,gutsiness,heart,intestinal fortitude,legs,power of endurance,resilience,tolerance,vitality It is now the turn of sheep, a sterner challenge because their legs have more weight to sustain.
目前的试验对象是羊,这是个更为严厉的挑战,因为羊的腿要承受更多的重量。 ecocn

What would you say if we find out that your two tigers torn off their legs or kill them?
如果有一天我们发现你的老虎咬掉了他们的腿或者杀死他们,你该怎么办呢? tingvoa

At London, my legs did not fatigue at all during or after the marathon.
在伦敦,无论是在比赛过程中还是在赛后,我的腿都不觉得累。 kle100

Blood can pool in your feet and legs when you sit or lie down and can cause a rapid, but temporary blood pressure drop.
当你坐或躺的时候,血液会聚集到你的脚和腿部,会引起一次迅速的但是暂时的血压的下降。 yeeyan

But there may already have been something going on in their bodies that predisposed them to walk on two legs— like standing up and“ walking” in the trees.
但可能有一些事情已经在他们的身体里发生了,让他们会倾向于利用两条腿走路,像站在树枝上,以及走在树枝上。 yeeyan

Her sisters tripped over her legs when they stumbled out of the bathroom.
姊姊们从浴室里跌跌撞撞地跑出来,总被她的腿绊倒。 blog.sina.com.cn

How do the legs of this toy animal join on?

I do exercises for legs approximately once a week and most of my leg workouts include ballet movements and yoga stretching.
我大约每星期一次做腿部运动,而且绝大部分的腿部训练包括芭蕾舞步和瑜伽伸展运动。 yeeyan

I really hope I have eight arms and legs, like an octopus.
我真希望自己有八只胳膊和腿,像章鱼一样。 tingvoa

If you would go up high, then use your own legs!
如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿! putclub.com

Indeed, with no other form of transportation on Iona, I count on my sturdy legs and a bit of discipline to get me from one place to another.
事实上,在爱奥那岛上没有其他的交通工具,我依靠强健的腿和一点自律从一个地方走到另外的一个地方。 yeeyan

Modern crocodiles crawl on their bellies because their legs sprawl out to the side.
现代鳄鱼则用肚子爬行,因为它们的腿伸展到了身体两侧。 yeeyan

No, it just turns a ball with legs.
不不不,它只是在用它的腿在转球。 yeeyan

She ought to be not born without legs, but was wounded later.
她应该不是生来就没有双腿,而是后来受了伤。 yeeyan

She sat down in an armchair and crossed her legs.

She took them out of the oven, and started to pull off the ovipositors and the legs, which can stick in the throat.
她把它们拿出烤箱,开始扯下蟋蟀的腿和产卵器,因为人吃的时候会戳到喉咙。 yeeyan

She was wearing a jasmine garland on her tight blue dress, wet with perspiration from the small of her back to her legs.
她穿着一袭紧身的蓝衫,带着一个茉莉花环,从纤小的后背到女孩的双腿,她的全身都被汗湿透了。 yeeyan

Stretching can help to relieve tension in your lower back, legs and up to the back of your neck.
躺在床上是伸展手脚和背部,伸展运到可减轻腰部、腿、后背直到颈部的紧张程度; yeeyan

They all had very big ears and feet and long legs.
他们都有着大大的耳朵和脚掌,还有着长长的腿。 hjenglish

They danced not with their legs or arms, but with their entire bodies, undulating their abdomens.

Though, we do have to cross our legs every time that damned Christian Dior advert comes on.
即使如此,每次那个要命的迪奥广告一出来,我们就不得不把双腿交叉。 yeeyan

You must coordinate the movements of your arms and legs when swimming.

Your back, shoulders, and legs in particular need loosening.
尤其是你的后背,肩膀和腿需要放松。 yeeyan




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