

单词 absentees
释义 absentees ˌæbsənˈti:z COCA⁷³⁹⁸⁵BNC³⁰³¹⁸
n.缺席者absentee的名词复数;缺勤者;在外地主;外住者原型absentee的复数 Course attendants will be fully refunded on the date of the course; no refund for the absentees.
每位出席者将可在上课当日获全数退还登记费用;缺席者将不获退还任何费用。 kekenet

Unlike many absentees in my class who often abstained from attending the boring lectures, I dare not absolve myself from this responsibility.
班里诸多缺席者常常是刻意回避那些无聊的讲座,我却不敢自作主张的免除听课的责任。 edu.21cn.com

Wayne Rooney and Fabio were the notable absentees from United's open training session ahead of the Champions League semi-final second leg clash with Schalke.
鲁尼和法比奥都没有参加欧冠半决赛对沙尔克第二回合比赛之前的公开训练课。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn

All gifts will only be given to qualified participants attending the talk. Absentees will not be entitled to any gifts.
所有礼品只限送赠予当日出席之合资格人士,缺席者将不获任何礼品。 itahk.domain50.com

Ganis was speaking before an audience that included15 of the20 actors and actresses who are nominated for Oscars this year, notable absentees including Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Meryl Streep.
加尼斯这些话是对拿到今年奥斯卡提名的15位明星当面说的,当时布拉德·皮特、安吉丽娜·朱莉和梅尔·斯特里普缺席。 hjenglish

Illness is the favoured excuse with four out of ten absentees faking symptoms or using props such as crutches and make-up in preparation for a day off.
人们最爱用的理由还是生病。为了请一天假,四成的人会装出有病的样子,借用拐杖之类的道具或是化个妆。 jvcxp

Injuries were a factor but some of the absentees faced Milan four days later.
伤病固然是一个因素,但部分缺阵者也参加了四天后对阵米兰的比赛。 yeeyan

Other absentees include Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Malaysia, Myanmar—and the United States.
其它未签字的国家还有阿富汗、伊朗、以色列、马来西亚和缅甸,美国也在其列之中。 ecocn

The absentees consisted of the11 internationals and Sissoko who began his physiotherapy.
将缺席11名国家队的队员,西索科也要开始他的理疗。 juvezone

There was no real team news for Wednesday, although Sir Alex did confirm that many of the Wembley absentees are likely to start.
周三没啥新闻,虽然弗格森爵士确认很多在温布利没打的球员很可能先发。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn

Wenger also used the opportunity to give an update on the other absentees.
温格也借这个机会更新了缺阵球员的情况。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn

With the absentees we have there is more spirit and sacrifice, more concentration.
在诸多球员缺阵的情况下,我们有了更多的精气神、更多的奉献,和更多的专注。 scacm




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