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词汇 aotearoa
释义 aotearoa
-New Zealand 毛利语长白云之乡-新西兰
Aotearoais presently in the throws of a long economic crisis.新西兰现在处于长期的经济危机的痛苦之中。
New Zealand orAotearoa, Land of the Long White Cloud, as originally named by the Maoris, is indeed full of blue skies and nice […不同的是,这一次,我们选择了自助旅行,而且只去了奥克兰和威灵顿两个主要的城市。全程很轻松又写意,又是一个很难忘的假期!
The National Digital Forum is a coalition of organisations across New ZealandAotearoawith an interest in digital resources.该论坛是新西兰奥特雷数字资源相关组织的一个联合。
New Zealand orAotearoa, Land of the Long White Cloud, as originally named by the Maoris, is indeed full of blue skies and nice clouds in the current spring season.不同的是,这一次,我们选择了自助旅行,而且只去了奥克兰和威灵顿两个主要的城市。
An overview of New Zealand is situated in the South Pacific Ocean 2,000 kilometres South-East of Australia.新西兰在毛利语中有“白云之乡“的美称,她位于南太平洋与同在南半球的澳大利亚相隔2000公里。
That day, the air was freezing, the wind was numbing, and the day was gray.But my heart was full of sun ray as I was so sure that this isAotearoa, my home, my country, my beloved New Zealand.那时,尽管天很冷,风很急,头顶乌云密布,可是我的心却充满了阳光,因为我知道这里是我的家,我深深爱着的白云的故乡。




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