

单词 left right
释义 left right短语²¹³⁰⁶
The width of elements and the spacing between neighboring elements in the whole handwritten Chinese character string are analyzed to guide the merging of left right elements.
对整个汉字字符串中组件的宽度和相邻组件的间距进行分析,有助于左右关系组件的合并。 cnki

Left right sclerite pairs are found which proves a bilaterally symmetrical body of the animal.
在前一种中,左右型对称骨片的存在证实该动物两侧对称。 cnki

Bring the left right hand up to the left shoulder.
将左右手放在左肩上。 yeeyan

Then the left right consistency of the disparity images is used to remove the mismatching pixels, and to generate the part of near real disparity images.
然后通过使用左右视差图之间的一致性关系,消除误匹配点,得到较为准确的部分视差图; cjig.cn

Vertical edge projection and horizontal edge projection are used to locate the left right boundary and top bottom boundary of vehicle, respectively.
最后利用投影知识原理,分别利用边缘的垂直投影图和水平投影图来定位车体的左右边界和上下边界。 cnki

Warning! Do not view or imagine this article while eating anything front back left right east south west north middle hair white.
警告!请勿在进食前后左右东南西北中发白时观看或想象此文章的内容。 atuzai




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