

单词 lefties
释义 left·y 英'lefti美'lefti COCA⁴¹⁹⁸⁰BNC⁷⁴⁵⁴³
a person who uses the left hand with greater skill than the right;

their pitcher was a southpaw

a baseball pitcher who throws the ball with the left hand近义词 lefthander左撇子southpaw用左手的人left-hander惯用左手的人…

用作名词But the only difference is that he's alefty.但唯一的不同是他是左撇子。 Even more striking, the same results were found when healthy right-handed subjects were forced to become lefties.
更能说明问题的是,当健康的右撇子实验对象被迫使用左手时,得出了同样的结论。 yeeyan

It’s been known for some time that lefties and the ambidextrous are more prone to negative emotions.
长久以来,我们认为左撇子和左右手通用的人更容易出现负面情绪。 yeeyan

It's been known for some time that lefties and the ambidextrous are more prone to negative emotions.
一段时间都认为,左撇子和左右手都很灵巧的人更容易产生负面情绪。 yeeyan

“ Forbes: Capitalist tool” was an ideal slogan for him, hitting the lefties with their own language.
“福布斯:资本主义工具”对他来说就是一个理想的口号——用福布斯人自己的语言打击了美国左翼分子。 ecocn

And as for the bout of recent left- handed presidents, some think it's because teachers only recently stopped working to convert lefties to righties at an early age.
而至于近些年左撇子总统出现更为集中的问题,有些人认为这和教师最近停止对左撇子儿童进行右手使用纠正训练有关。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Britain's Labor Party has particular problems with“ nationalizing” anything: the very word recalls the ranting hordes of Labor lefties whom Gordon Brown helped sideline more than a decade ago.
英国工党对于任何“国有化”都颇有微词:戈登•布朗在10多年前,正是利用“国有化”让夸夸其谈的工党左翼人士靠边站的。 ecocn

Conservatives might normally be delighted to see the BBC— generally depicted as a den of lefties— cut down to size.
BBC被普遍看成是左派人士的巢穴,因此保守派通常乐意看到 BBC进行一定程度的削减。 ecocn

For instance, researchers don't know why the prevalence of lefties has remained consistently at 10% over time.
例如,研究者们不知道为什么左撇子一直稳定地占10%的比例。 yeeyan

However, lefties have had a difficult time throughout history.
然而,在历史上左撇子的经历是坎坷不平的。 www.dic123.com

I tend to be pretty right- wing, and I have to say most people that I associate with at the university are a bunch of lefties, including my wife.
我有点倾向于右翼,而我在大学里交往的大多数人都是左翼分子,包括我的妻子在内。 yeeyan

In some local matters, even right-wing climate sceptics and climate- conscious lefties concur.
而在一些局部问题上,甚至右翼气候怀疑派和左翼气候支持派都一致同意。 ecocn

It appears to me that lefties are more creative than their right-handed fellow humans.
我觉得左撇子似乎比用惯右手的人更富有创造性。 enun

It turns out that right-handed folks prefer the right and lefties prefer the left.
测试结果表明:右撇子更喜欢右边,左撇子喜欢左边。 yeeyan

Nadal is going to be very different to anybody else anyway at the moment because he's one of the few lefties we have in the game.
纳达尔目前实际上在各方面都与众不同,他是本届赛会的几个左撇子选手之一。 cri

Oliver Perez is tough on lefties because he'll switch up his angles;
奥利弗·培瑞兹在左边路很难对付因为他会变换角度; dltcedu

Other famous lefties in history include Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Napoleon, and Queen Victoria of Britain.
历史上其他著名的左撇子有达·芬奇、米开朗琪罗、拿破仑和英国维多利亚女王。 www.dic123.com

Researchers found that among lefties, the two hemispheres of the brain communicate more with each other so have more interaction with the parts that produce negative emotions.
研究人员发现,左撇子的两个大脑半球之间的交流较常人更加频繁,对能产生负面情绪的部分影响更大。 www.china.org.cn

Therefore lefties will have their difficulties with the T510, depending on the occupation, without a docking station.
因此左撇子的 T510将与他们的困难,根据职业,没有一个对接站。 www.360ibm.com

Lefties have protested against Chiquita Banana for so long that most activists probably forget why they are supposed to hate the company.
左翼人士已经抗议奇基塔香蕉公司很久了,以至于大部分积极分子可能忘记他们为什么要憎恨这家公司。 yeeyan

Lefties should be free to use their left hand as they desire.
应该让左撇子随心所欲地使用左手。 www.dic123.com

Lefties used to be feared creatures, as society deemed them criminals and devil- worshipers.
左撇子以前是可怕的生物,因为社会视他们为罪犯和魔鬼崇拜者。 yeeyan




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