

单词 left blank
释义 left blank短语¹⁵⁶⁶⁵
The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.
本页以下空白,无正文。 faqs

The Alias name should be left blank in most cases.
大部分情况下别名是留空的。 yeeyan

The domain can often be left blank.
域名通常可以不填写。 launchpad

The other text fields are optional and can be left blank.
其他文本字段是可选的,可以留空。 ibm

This can usually be left blank.
通常可以留白。 launchpad

This will be executed when the selection criteria on PRODUCTLINE left blank.
当 PRODUCTLINE上的选择标准留空时,将执行该查询。 ibm

If this field is left blank, the shipment sizes to customers and therefore costs will be based on the carrier definition and utilization.
如果这个字段为空,则其发货装运大小批量或者成本都将由承运商的相关定义和利用率来决定。 blog.sina.com.cn

If this property is left blank, the results of a search cannot be evaluated by a launch condition.
如果未提供此属性,启动条件将无法评估搜寻结果。 microsoft

Similarly, classes using the Template Method pattern contain a series of steps, and some are left blank.
类似地,采用 Template Method模式的类也包含一系列的步骤,而其余的则留空。 ibm

The group name in this generated file is left blank.
此生成的文件中的组名称为空白。 ibm

There were misgivings about consummating the lightning-quick deal, but on Sunday morning, J.P. Morgan sent Bear Stearns a rough draft of a merger plan with the share price left blank.
大家对这桩闪电交易仍然心存疑虑,但是周日上午,JP摩根还是向贝尔斯登提出了合并草案,却没有提及收购价格。 yeeyan




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