

单词 LEC
释义 LEC高COCA¹³⁹⁸⁷⁹BNC⁷⁴⁵⁴⁰
abbr.光能转换器=Light Energy Converter
In negative control group rabbit LEC nuclei were not positive stained.
阴性对照组兔晶体上皮细胞胞核未见阳性染色。 cnki

Mytilaria laosensis Lec is a tree species of Hamamelidaceae. It is a landscaping species with high economic value, which grows very fast.
米老排为金缕梅科树种,是一种生长速度快,经济价值高的用材和园林绿化树种。 cnki

The crude oil tank and flare system was assessed by using of LEC. Based on the assessment result, rectifying measures were proposed, to guarantee production safety of refinery.
采用作业条件危险性评价法对炼油厂的原油罐和火炬进行了风险分析,根据分析结果,提出了整改措施,以保证炼油厂生产的安全。 cnki

As a referenceits experience lec useful bor economic open in shandong peninsula.
旨在为山东半岛对外开放提供参考。 cnki

Commercial- paper investors may find the M- LEC's complexity a turn-off.
商业票据投资者或许会发现“超级管道”的复杂性正是瓶颈之所在。 ecocn

Conclusion LEC and TLEC are distinct at the molecular level.
结论 LEC与 TLEC在分子水平是有差别的。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn

Each LEC is a member of only one emulated LAN.
每个 LEC仅为一个仿真局域网的成员。 club.163.com

For incoming calls, the LEC tries to find a traffic profile that best matches the traffic parameters in the call.
对于入埠呼叫, LEC试图寻找一种能最好地与呼叫中的通信参数相配的通信模板。 club.163.com

From the point of view of life extension control LEC, an optimization model of boiler start-up process has been built based on boiler life management system.
从寿命延长控制 LEC的概念出发,建立了基于寿命管理的锅炉启动优化模型。 dictall

However, a router or a Catalyst ATM module can include LECs for multiple emulated LANs: one LEC for each emulated LAN of which it is a member.
然而,一台路由器或 CatalystATM模块可以包含多个仿真局域网的 LEC:每一个仿真局域网中都有一个身为此仿真局域网成员的 LEC。 club.163.com

If M- LEC fails to take off, the bottom-fishers will soon have others to nibble at.
如果“超级管道”不能顺利起飞,抄底投资者很快会找到其他噬咬的对象。 ecocn

In order to use a nonnative protocol on an ATM network, the client has to run an LEC.
为了在 ATM网上使用非本机的协议,客户机必须运行一个 LEC。 iciba

Methods: LEC from pig thoracic duct were cultured.
方法:淋巴管内皮细胞取自猪的胸导管。 cnki

Objective To introduce the research progress of liposome electrochromatography LEC.
目的为脂质体电色谱的研究提供参考。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

ObjectiveTo investigate the molecular mechanism of lingual epithelial cell LEC apoptosis and its related genes expression in different tongue furs.
目的探讨不同舌苔舌上皮细胞凋亡及其相关基因表达的关系。 cnki

Results The typical morphological changes of LEC apoptosis in Gur group detected by TEM included chromatin condensation and aggregation at the periphery of the nucleons and nuclear fragmentation.
结果透射电镜下可观察到姜黄素组 LEC呈现核染色质凝聚、 固缩、边集、核碎裂等典型的细胞凋亡形态学改变。 iciba

Rules that a LEC Local Exchange Carrier employs to redirect a call that encounters a Busy or No Answer.
当呼叫遇忙或无应答时, LEC本地电话公司使用该规则重新发送呼叫。 iciba

Scraping line method and MTT were used to observe the effect of angiostatin and thalidomide on proliferation and migration of LEC.
采用划线法和 MTT法观察血管生成抑制素和反应停对淋巴管内皮细胞增殖和游走的影响。 cnki

The paper presents the types of non- coal mine safety assessment and expounds the job risk analysis method LEC.
介绍了非煤矿山安全评价方法的种类,阐述了作业条件危险性评价法L EC。 chemyq

The effects of modification, grain refinement, polystyrene pattern, pouring temperature on aluminum alloy porosity in LEC process is studied.
探讨了铝液变质、晶粒细化、浇注温度及聚苯乙烯模样等对消失模铝铸件针孔的影响。 dictall

The IFM encoder is analyzed and the associated LEC-3 Intetfacing controller is presented.
对 IFM编码器进行了剖析,并介绍与之配套的 LEC-3型接口控制器。 cnki

This paper presents an expression for temperature distribution in growing crystal by considering the ambient temperature gradient as a variable introduced in LEC model.
本文把环境温度梯度作为一个变量引入 LEC法生长的理论模型中进行分析,得到了晶体中温度分布的表达式。 cnki




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