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词汇 AOAC method
释义 AOAC method
A simple method for methyl esterification of fish oil andfatty acids was established and compared withAOAC method.改进了AOAC法介绍的油脂及脂肪酸的甲酯化方法,对样品中的二十碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸进行了含量测定。
Comparing with theAOAC method, the improved method had advantages of simplicity convenience and was more rapid.本法已用于中华猕猴桃酒中总抗坏血酸含量的测定,并与改良的2,6-二氯酚靛酚容量法测定的结果进行了比较,雨种方法获得的结果基本一致。
Polydextrose a new soluble dietary fiber can't be determined byAOAC method985.29 the official method for testing TDF.新型水溶性膳食纤维聚葡萄糖不能被测定总膳食纤维的AOAC方法985.;29定量测定;从而影响了其推广应用。
The improved method was compared with traditionalAOAC methodin the testing of oatmeal and Chinese date powder.利用改进法对燕麦片和红枣粉为原料与传统测定方法进行了比较,结果表明,两种方法测定结果基本一致。
This paper also developedAOAC methodto detect reconstituted milk in raw and pasteurized milk by determining the protein reducing value.实验结果显示,使用还原力的检测方法,对鲜牛乳和巴氏乳中的复原乳进行检测,它们的最低检测限均可达到5%。
This paper present the results of using theAOAC methodto detect paralyticshellfish poison in 24 species of shellfish collected from the Guangdong Coast.于1990-1992年间在广东沿海采集24种贝类,用麻痹性贝类毒素小白鼠生物测定法对所采样品进行毒素分析研究。




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