

单词 learn to do
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Children might feel a lot better about themselves if they understand why it takes longer for them to learn to do things.
如果患儿知道为什么他们做事需要花费更多时间的原因,也许他们会对自己的感觉更好。 hjenglish

I know tuning a guitar is something you can learn to do with practice, but I was tired and didn’t have the energy for learning any new tricks.
我知道为吉他调音是可以在实践中慢慢学会的,但是我累了,也没有精力去学任何新技巧了。 yeeyan

Learn to do a little basic social media monitoring. Just check in once a week or so.
学会一些基本的社区媒体监控知识,每周查看一次左右即可。 yeeyan




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