

单词 anyplace
释义 an·y·place 英ˈeniːˌpleɪs美ˈɛniˌplesAHDĕnʹē-plās' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²³⁶⁵⁹BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb²⁷⁷⁷²

at or in or to any place;

you can find this food anywhere

anywhere任何地方get anyplace有所成就
蒋争熟词记忆any任何place地方⇒在任何地方;无论何处any任何place地方⇒在任何地方;无论何处近义词 where在哪里somewhere在某处someplace在某处anywhere任何地方everywhere到处,处处wherever无论什么地方…

用作副词Good manners ban abusive languageanyplace.讲礼貌就是在任何地方都不能讲粗话。
Actually ideas can come fromanyplace.观点可以产生于任何地方。noun.unspecified area
同义词 anywhereall over,everywhere,in any place,in whatever place,wherever
anywherenoun unspecified area
all over,everywhere,in any place,in whatever place,wherever Actually ideas can come from anyplace.
观点可以产生于任何地方。 iciba

The Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion and this, plus the fact that church property is tax exempt, ought to mean that anyone can go anyplace to worship.
宗教自由是宪法给予我们的保障,再者教会享受财产免税待遇,理应接受任何人的礼拜。 yeeyan

“ There's no reason to think that South Korea has more children with autism than anyplace else in the world, ” says Bennett Leventhal, another author of the study.
“认为韩国患有孤独症的孩子比世上其他地方多,这样的想法毫无道理。” 班纳特•李文瑟尔说。 yeeyan

“ We won’t be able to live here, ” she said. “ I could never live anyplace that was made available because of the election of Richard Nixon.”
“我们不能住在这儿,”她说,“我永远不可能住在因为理查德 ·尼克松的当选而空出来的房子里。” ecocn

“We're doing everything we can anyplace in Johnson & Johnson to make sure this never happens again,” he added.

After once experiencing disturbances, you will understand: Say for a person who has ideal and pursues, wasn't a marsh anyplace with desolate slope.
经历过风风雨雨之后,你就会明白:对于一个有理想、有追求的人来说,没有任何地方是沼泽和荒凉的山坡。 cmfei

Airports were more closely watched than anyplace else.
飞机场比任何其他地方看守得更严密。 cc707

And, I'll bet, as his hoe rang on the landlord's clay, his Dad imagined a day when he'd hear his boy take step after crunching step toward anyplace but this field.

Are you going to go to anyplace this year?
你今年准备去什么地方? kekenet

BE anyplace and canning seem through a network true of face to face carry on exchanges with teacher.
在任何地方,都能够通过网络好像真实的与老师面对面进行交流。 xkyn

But they know how to make a fire. So they can make it anyplace they need it.
不过他们已经知道怎么生火,可以在需要的任何地方燃起篝火。 jukuu

From that point of view, it distributes too much cash to shareholders in the form of dividends. A 3.4% dividend is nice, but I sure can't find anyplace to invest it and get a 19.1% return.
因为它的股东分红太多,或许3.4%才是最合适的,不过,我肯定你到哪也找不到19.1%的投资回报。 yeeyan

I feel strongly that parents have the task of preparing their children to be able to live anyplace in our complex world.
我深深感到父母有必要让子女做好准备,以便他们能够在这个复杂世界的任何地方生活。 yeeyan

I haven't gone anyplace, because Derek doesn't exist anymore.
我不会去任何地方,因为德雷克根本就已经不存在了。 yeeyan

If you're not using Eclipse, extract the distribution you downloaded to anyplace convenient.
如果不使用 Eclipse,请将下载的发行版解压到您认为方便的任意位置。 ibm

It is an act of violence that would have been heartbreaking had it occurred anyplace in America.
这是一次在美国各地经常发生的令人窒息的枪击暴力案件。 blog.sina.com.cn

Over the past hundred years, no other natural disaster in the US has caused more death and destruction than floods, they can happen anyplace, any day, anytime.
在美国过去的一百多年中,洪水造成的死亡和破坏比其它自然灾害多,洪水可以在任何地方、任何时候、任何时间发生。 iciba

So why not replace it with something cheap and plentiful that has no practical value anyplace else?
那么,为什么不能用既便宜又丰富,而且在其他领域还不怎么值钱的东西来代替呢? yeeyan

Sports and writing took her around the world, and Ms. Bertine, a turbo-driven Colgate University graduate, never landed anyplace for long.
写作和体育让她可以环游世界,伯廷小姐是 Colgate大学汽车系毕业生,从没在某个地方长久居住过。 yeeyan

The Taj, more than anyplace else, was always associated with“making it” in India, where even now, it is still the place where the wealthy meet to shop and eat and socialize.
泰姬酒店比其它任何地方都和印度的成功人士有关联,甚至到了现在,它还是有钱人见面、购物、吃饭和社交的地方。 yeeyan

This is certainly true of anyplace we spend time, but nowhere is it more true than in the home.
我们花了很多时间呆在别的地方,但却比不上呆在家里的时间长。 tianya

Through the mobile phone, I think I can shop anyplace and anytime and will not waste my time.
经由手机,我认为,我可以随时随地买东西,而且不会浪费我的时间。 my3q.com

Unlike other spacecraft, it can act as an antigravity machine, using solar pressure to balance the Sun’s gravity and thus hover anyplace in space.
不同于其它航天器,它可以作为一个反引力器,利用太阳风的压力平衡太阳的引力,从而使飞船停留在太空中的任何地方。 yeeyan

We're afraid to go anyplace alone.
我们害怕单独去任何地方。 yy028

Anyplace that a database query uses a value, the same approach allows the possibility of a SQL injection attack.
在数据库查询可以使用数据值的任何地方,同样的方式都有可能导致 SQL注入攻击。 ibm




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