

单词 anymore
释义 an·y·more 英ˌeniːˈmɔː, -ˈməʊr美ˌɛniˈmɔr, -ˈmorAHDĕn'ē-môrʹ, -mōrʹ ★★☆☆☆初高牛COCA²⁰³⁴BNC¹⁴⁸⁸³iWeb²⁵⁹⁸Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

at the present or from now on; usually used with a negative;

Alice doesn't live here anymore

the children promised not to quarrel any more

any more再
an-不|无-y的-more⇒adv.通常用于疑问句或否定句中;与not连用再;也;还非常记忆any任何+more更多⇒吃饱后任何人再也不能吃更多了近义词 any longer不再

用作副词Don't waste my timeanymore.别再浪费我的时间了!
Don't you love meanymore?你不再爱我了吗? No- one believes in dialogue anymore.
再也没有人会相信对话。 ecocn

She does not argue for“ doing nothing at all anymore”, only that the “option of doing nothing must be available” and “that we no longer exempt the emergency aid system from criticism”.
波尔曼不主张“不再进行任何救援行动”,只是认为“无为是一定可行的”、“这些‘紧急援助’体系难辞其咎,我们不再放过任何一次批评机会”。 ecocn

The Big Bad Wolf chased all our friends away and no one visit us anymore.
大坏狼赶走了我们的所有的朋友,再也没人来拜访我们了。 ebigear

“ From the minute all of this will go online, there will be no need to expose the scroll anymore, ” Shor said.
“从所有书卷上传完毕的那一刻起,这些书卷再也不必去任何地方展览了”,肖表示。 yeeyan

“ We’ve got the next best thing to him and it’s not a secret anymore, ” she said.
莎拉.阿西曼说:“我们已经为这件事情找到了最好的结局因为它再也不是秘密了。” yeeyan

I don't cover everything in there, but you are not in high school anymore.

I don't think they call him the Doof anymore, but you never know.
我想人们再也不会叫他“傻蛋”了,但你永远不知实情如何。 yeeyan

I'm30. As an athlete, I am not the future of China basketball anymore.
我已经30岁了,作为运动员,我再也不是中国篮球的未来了。 yeeyan

In this latter case, the object would be instantiated to report some information and then would not be required anymore.
在后面一种情况下,将对象实例化以报告某些信息之后,就再也不需要该对象了。 ibm

In the months that followed, six of its commercial tenants ran off. They did not want to be in the tallest anything, anywhere, anymore.
在接下来的几个月,六家帝国大厦的商务住户搬走了,他们再也不想住在最高的楼里了,无论在什么地方。 ebigear

Most systems do not ship with this command anymore, because it is not as reliable as mounting a file system.
但是,大多数系统都不再提供这个命令,因为用它不像挂载文件系统那样稳定。 ibm

Reduce it by half each month and before you know it, you will not be craving it anymore.
每个月减少一半,然后再你意识到之前,你将再也不会想到它了。 yeeyan

She stood there, looking away from him— as if she had her own, private life here, which had nothing to do with him anymore, a life that was none of his business.
她站在那里,把目光移开——就好像她在这里过着她自己的私生活一样,与他的生活不再有什么关系和瓜葛了。 yeeyan

That’s not my work anymore.
那都不再是我的工作。 yeeyan

The people that believe it have to die and then nobody will believe it anymore.

We do not believe in that kind of God anymore.
我们再也不相信那样子的上帝了。 yeeyan

What don't we need anymore?
什么是我们不再需要的? yeeyan

You cannot fool me anymore.
你不再能够愚弄我。 yeeyan

You want to cover your walls with posters; they don't understand why you don't like your kiddie wallpaper anymore.
你想要用海报盖住你的墙壁;他们不了解你为什么不再喜欢你的可爱墙纸。 yeeyan




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