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lb. 基本例句 abbr.磅重量单位=libraabbr.拉布拉多=labrador An Australian cafe is claiming a world record after cooking a giant hamburger with an81 kg178 lb patty that took12 hours to cook and four men to flip. 澳大利亚一家餐厅日前做出了世界上最大的汉堡,这个汉堡的肉饼重达81公斤合178磅,制作耗时12个小时,光是肉饼翻面就需要四个人一起完成。 iciba In her natural state, the phony participant weighed105 lb. and wore a size0. 这位假冒的参与者的真实体重是105磅,并且她穿0号的衣服。 yeeyan In her natural state, the phony participant weighed105 lb. and wore a size0. 这位假冒的参与者的真实体重是105磅,并且她穿0号的衣服。 yeeyan People who have acupuncture once a week lose an extra4.5 kg10 lb in three months. 每周做一次针灸理疗,这样持续上三个月便可减去4.5公斤10磅体重。 yeeyan People who have acupuncture once a week lose an extra4.5 kg10 lb in three months. 每周做一次针灸理疗,这样持续上三个月便可减去4.5公斤10磅体重。 yeeyan The city of Brunswick is planning to start its own savings bank to compete with NORD/ LB, the local Landesbank. 不伦瑞克市计划开办自己的储蓄银行与州地方银行 NORD/ LB竞争。 ecocn |