释义 |
Lazear ləˈzɪr COCA¹³³¹⁷⁸ 基本例句 n.拉齐尔¹⁰⁰ Unfortunately, asLazearand Rosen were well aware, tournaments also have unwelcome features.不幸的是,就像拉奇尔和罗森清楚表明的那样,锦标赛制度也有一些不好的特点。 Lazear, David . Multiple Intelligence Approaches to Assessment. Zephyr Press,1999.翻译本:郭俊贤、陈淑惠译。落实多元智慧教学评量.;台北:远流出版社,2000 Lazearbelieved that the high oil price had huge influence on the economic growth.拉泽尔认为,高油价已对经济增长造成显著影响。 LazearD.Eight Ways of Knowing:Teaching for Multiple Intelligences;.Arlington Heights:Skylight Training and Publishing,1999,Thrid Edition.加德纳H.创造心灵:七位大师的创造力剖析;.林佩芝译.牛顿出版公司,1997. President Bush's chief economic adviser EdLazearcredits the bipartisan fiscal stimulus package for much of the advance.布什总统首席经济顾问艾德莱滋儿认为这次增长主要归功于两党的财政激励政策。 A doctor named Jesse WilliamLazearrecognized that the mosquitoes that bit the last two men had been older than the others.一名叫杰士威廉的医生经过认证证明在两个人中蚊子会喜欢咬年长的一个人。 |