

单词 laying down
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And emphasis over the past decade or so on community policing—cosying up to the communities they police rather than laying down the law— has made them reluctant to alienate anyone.
过去近十年来所强调的社区治安——融入他们守卫的社区而不是发号施令——使他们不愿与任何人结仇。 ecocn

The Lord justice said he was not laying down guideline for sentencing.
大法官说他现在没有制定判刑的标准. putclub

Method Finding out the cause of the loss and damage of medical records, and laying down appropriate rules and regulations as well as effective measures.
方法:找出病案丢失和损坏的原因,制定相应的规章制度和有效措施。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

On Wednesday, EU officials agreed to axe rules laying down standards for26 products, from peas to plums.
周三,欧盟有关领导人同意废除对部分农产品的强制性标准,范围涉及豌豆、李子等26个品种。 xgbbs

Raising up, inspiration, then laying down, expiration.
上举,吸气,然后放下,呼气。 lwkoo

SET has been adapted to solve many security problems that once stranded the development of electronic commerce by laying down standards and adopting various technical measures.
SET通过制定标准和采用各种技术手段,解决了当时困扰电子商务发展的安全问题。 cnki

Sri Lanka's rebels have announced they would be laying down their guns to prevent what they call further unnecessary slaughter of Tamil civilians by government troops.
斯里兰卡反政府武装宣布,他们将放下武器,避免所谓政府军继续杀害无辜的泰米尔族平民百姓。 ebigear

The future could look bleak for human musicians as well. This android was laying down some licks with the Computer Robot Band.
另外,人类音乐家们可能也没啥前景了。这个机器人正随着电脑机器人乐队的节拍轻轻舞动。 cri

We cannot know what will happen in the future and what things are laying down on our paths.
我们无法知道未来会发生什么,在我们的路上会有什么。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

We were just considering laying down once more when we heard what sounded like footsteps and rustling.
正当我们刚要躺下休息时,又听到了类似脚步的声音和沙沙声。 cri




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