释义 |
Law students 基本例句 法学生 A hypothetical case argued bylaw studentsas an exercise.案例; 假设案被法律系学生用作练习辩论的假定案件 Formerly, a residence hall for students, especiallylaw students, in London.饭店原意是指学生宿舍,尤指伦敦法科学生宿舍 It has a vital role in enhancing the practice capacity oflaw students.它对提升法科学生的实践能力有着至关重要的作用。 As always, the Lexicon is aimed atlaw students, especially first-yearlaw students, with an interest in legal theory.一如既往,这个词典乃是为了初入法科门径,而又对法律理论抱有兴趣的初学者所编写。 |