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词汇 Anwar
释义 Anwar ˈænwar 高Economist⁶³⁸²
Ask Anwar Mitri, a45-year-old school administrator in the Upper Egyptian province of Qena.
例如基纳上埃及省45岁的学校行政人员安瓦尔•米特里的故事。 ecocn

Much has changed in Malaysia since Mr Anwar last took the stand.
自从安瓦尔上次出庭到现在,马来西亚已经发生了很大的改变。 yeeyan

The men behind the video say it demonstrates how Mr Anwar is unfit to lead Malaysia.
看过视频后的人称这表明安瓦尔先生是不适合领导马来西亚的。 ecocn

The pre-eminent leader of the opposition, Anwar Ibrahim, was shoved to the ground and injured in the affray.
反对党的重要领导人安瓦尔.易卜拉欣在混乱中被推倒并受了伤。 ecocn

“ These young people should be driving development but they feel outside the focus of the government,” says Auwalu Anwar, a member of Mr Buhari's Congress for Progressive Change CPC.
布哈里领导的进步变革大会党 CPC成员 Auwalu Anwar表示:“这些年轻人应该是发展的推动力,但是他们感觉没有受到政府重视。” ecocn

Civil defense official Anwar Ullah Khan says the scope of the disaster is straining the capability of the government.
民防官员安瓦尔.奥拉赫.汗说,这场灾难的范围正在削弱政府的援救能力。 voanews

In 1998 Mr Anwar, then deputy prime minister, was tried for a similar offence and spent six years in jail, before his conviction was quashed.
1998年,安瓦尔先生时任副总理,他因同样的罪行受到审判,而且,在他当时的判决得到撤销前,已在狱中度过了6年时光。 ecocn

In late March some Malaysian journalists were shown a video that purports to be of Mr Anwar having sex in a hotel room with a foreign prostitute.
在三月下旬,一些马来西亚记者上传的录像显示安瓦尔先生在一家宾馆与一名外国妓女发生性关系。 ecocn

Malaysian pundits think Mr Anwar has lined up a fairly large group of potential defectors.
马来西亚国内的分析家们安瓦尔已经收服了一大批潜在的转投者。 ecocn

Mr Anwar called a press conference to claim that he had “firm commitments” from enough government MPs to win power.
安瓦尔召开了记者招待招待会,声称已经从政府议员方面得到了雄厚的支持使他能够赢得权利。 ecocn

Mr Anwar has been here before.
这对安瓦尔来说并不是头一遭。 ecocn

Mr Anwar spends a lot of time abroad with national and religious leaders whose names he drops slightly too easily into an engaging conversational style.
安瓦尔有相当长的时间都是身处国外,混迹于国家领导、宗教领袖之中,而且轻而易举就能跟这些人谈得热火朝天。 ecocn

Mr Anwar’s sweeping victory in a by- election last month heightened the speculation that he was on track to keep his promise.
安瓦尔上月在预选中大获全胜也进一步证实了对他正逐步实现这一诺言的猜测。 ecocn

Mr Anwar accuses Mr Najib and his wife of a conspiracy to frame him and says they should testify.
安瓦尔指责纳吉与夫人一起合谋“设局”害他,而且要总理夫妇出来作证。 yeeyan

Now Mr Anwar has been linked to more hanky-panky, this time with a woman.
现在安瓦尔先生又陷入另一场更大的丑闻中,这一次是与一个女人。 ecocn

ONE evening in mid- July Anwar Ibrahim was deep in the rubber-tapping state of Kelantan in northern Malaysia, urging a crowd of rural folk to vote for a devout fishmonger.
七月中旬的一个傍晚,大马北部采集橡胶闻名的吉兰丹州,安瓦尔.易卜拉欣深入人群,呼吁一群乡巴佬为一位虔诚的鱼贩子投票。 ecocn

Since then, Washington has become concerned about the growing influence of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and its spokesman, the U.S.- born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.
从那时起,华盛顿方面开始愈来愈担心阿拉伯半岛地区的基地组织以及他们的头领--在美国出生的穆斯林神职人员安瓦尔. 奥拉基的活动。 yeeyan

That morning, Mr Anwar had been in Perth where he had met Australia’s foreign minister.
当天早上安瓦尔在珀斯,他曾在这儿会见了澳大利亚外长。 ecocn

The challenges for Mr Anwar and his alliance will now multiply.
安瓦尔及其联盟现在的挑战日益严峻。 ecocn

The prime minister, Abdullah Badawi, and his deputy, Najib Razak, ostentatiously went about their business, ridiculing Mr Anwar’s threat as a “ mirage” and a “deception” respectively.
然而总理阿卜杜拉•巴达维和副总理却纳杰布•拉扎克却仍在堂而皇之地行使着他们的权利,并分别用“海市蜃楼”和“虚张声势”来奚落安瓦尔的威胁。 ecocn

Then it tried, in vain, to peel off an Islamic party in Mr Anwar’s alliance.
从那以后,巫统就试图瓦解安瓦尔联盟里的一个伊斯兰党,但以失败告终。 yeeyan

This has made possible Mr Anwar's strange alliance.
因此就有了安瓦尔的奇特联盟。 ecocn

Anwar al- Awlaki was charged this week in Yemen for inciting violence against foreigners.
这周 Anwar al- Awlaki因煽动暴力行为抵制外国人在也门被指控。 yeeyan




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