释义 |
Lawler ˈlɒlər 高 基本例句 n.劳勒¹⁰⁰ “By media day, you could tell,” Clippers broadcaster RalphLawlersays.“媒体日那一天,你就能看出来,”快船队的播音员拉尔夫-劳勒说。 “They chose us because neither I nor the boy here drink,”Lawlerexplained.“皇天在上!假如我再碰到他这样,一定要好好教训教训他。 From 2006, ChristineLawler, the manager of CAA began to invite Chinese artists to make up dragon boats.从2006年开始,该协会的负责人,周多清女士开始邀请一些华人艺术家自己制作龙头和龙尾,用以组装到赛艇上,装饰成龙舟。 Porter, L.W.Lawler, E.E. Hackman, J.R. Behavior in Organizations. New York: McGraw-Hill 1975.李琳琳.;张玲珍 TomLawler, an independent economist who worked at Fannie Mae from 1984 to 2006, says few housing gurus think the bubble began as early as 1997.1984年至2006年在房利美任职的独立经济学家劳勒说,很少有楼市专家认为泡沫早在1997年就开始了。 Yes, Mr.Lawlersays, homeownership rates began rising in the 1990s, but that was almost entirely due to an increase in ownership among people 65 years old and above.不错,劳勒说,90年代住宅自有率开始上升,不过几乎完全是因65岁及以上的老年人自有率上升所致。 |