释义 |
Anuruddha 基本例句 阿努鲁达¹⁰⁰ By having developed and cultivated what things has the VenerableAnuruddhaattained to greatness of direct knowledge.您尊者如何修习而获得大神通? At that time venerableAnuruddhahaving got up in the last watch of the night recited the Dhamma.一尔时,尊者阿那律住舍卫城祇树给孤独园。 The wandering ascetics depreciating venerableAnuruddhaas a novice and as foolish got up from their seats and went away.七时,诸外道出家众,言新参,言愚痴,以毁骂具寿阿菟罗度,即从座起而去。 Then a certain deity named Jalini of the company of the thirty-three gods a previous wife of venerableAnuruddhaapproached him.二时,尊者阿那律俗家之妻,为三十三天天神之阇利仁,来诣尊者阿那律处。 |