

单词 latrine
释义 la·trine 英ləˈtriːn美ləˈtrinAHDlə-trēnʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高TCOCA³²²³⁶BNC³⁹⁷¹¹iWeb²⁷⁶³⁸Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a public toilet in a military area来自PIE*leu,冲洗,词源同lava,lavatory,-trine,地名后缀。用于指简易的洗手间,茅厕。latrine fly医 灰腹厕蝇…public latrine公共厕所
近义词 toilet厕所lavatory盥洗室

Alatrine; a privy.厕所旧式厕所;茅坑noun.lavatory
同义词 bathroom,outhouse,restroom,toilethead,john,privy,washroomnoun.bathroom
同义词 lavatory,restroom,toilet
head,john,johnny,lavatory,litter box,outhouse,pot,potty,privy,restroom,sandbox,throne,washroom,water closet
lavatorynoun bathroom
WC,latrine,powder room,restroom,shower,toilet,washroom,water closet
outhousenoun toilet
WC,bathroom,latrine,lavatory,outbuilding,privy,washroom,water closet
powder roomnoun bathroom
bathroom,comfort station,girls' room,ladies',ladies' room,latrine,lavatory,loo,rest room,restroom,toilet,washroom
rest roomnoun bathroom
WC,comfort station,head,john,ladies' room,latrine,lavatory,men's room,outhouse,powder room,privy,public bathroom,toilet,urinal,water closet
toiletnoun bathroom
W.C.,can,comfort station,commode,garderobe,gentlemen's room,head,john,ladies' room,latrine,lavatory,little boys' room,little girls' room,men's room,outhouse,potty,powder room,privy,restroom,throne,washroom,water closet,women's room In one corner of the cell was a small pit latrine, out of which thick vapors and a horrible stench emanated.
牢房的一边,有一个小蹲厕,从那里散发出一阵阵浓浓烟雾和令人作呕的味道。 yeeyan

Moreover, each unit comes up with a latrine and bathroom.
每个避难单元配有厕所和洗澡间。 www.greengrants.org.cn

Neither socioeconomic status, latrine density, population density nor study year had a significant influence on disease risk.
社会经济状况、公厕密度、人口密度以及研究年份都未对患病风险产生重大影响。 who

The same was found for scent- marking. Like normal males, the mutant mice urinated in various spots around their cage unlike females, who create a single latrine.
在气味标记上发现同样的结果,和正常雄鼠一样,转基因鼠会在笼子的任何角落里撒尿不同于雌鼠,雌鼠有固定的厕所。 ecocn

You can't wander around any Greek city, or Roman city of the Ancient World, without seeing the latrine.

An Indian latrine cleaner may get to vote, she says, but a Chinese one is far less likely to be viewed as completely subhuman.
她说,虽然一个印度公厕清洁工可能有机会去投票,但是一个中国公厕清洁工很少会被视为低等人类。 ebigear

But after five years, the town had provided no electricity and had turned down their application for a communal latrine.
但5年后,该镇将断掉定居点的电力供应,并且已经驳回申请公共厕所的请求。 yeeyan

In 2008, 2.6 billion people had no access to a hygienic toilet or latrine and1.1 billion were defecating in the open.
2008年,有26亿人不能获得卫生厕所或茅厕,11亿人需要在露天排便。 who

In one corner of the cell was a small pit latrine, out of which thick vapors and a horrible stench emanated. The space around the pit latrine was cleared for the newcomers.
在牢房的一个角落有一个小小的茅坑,一股浓浓的恶臭从其中散出来,茅坑周围的地方被空出来容纳新来的人。 yeeyan

In Tanzania, masons will provide a concrete slab to install above a pit latrine for $5.
在坦桑尼亚,石匠们只要5美元就能用混凝土板给你在茅坑上面垒个厕所。 ecocn

Melebeck said none of the756 people did actually use the latrine, which was only a fake.
马利拜科说,排队大军中没有一人真正使用这个厕所,因为它是假的。 ebigear

Now go close to the latrine and put your face there.
现在走到茅坑那里把你的脸放在里面。 yeeyan

One night I went to the latrine while everyone went down to the basement break room.
一天晚上,我去上厕所,其他人都去了地下休息室。 cri

Roofs should provide proper drainage away from the latrine.
房顶应建造合适的排水系统引离厕所。 yeeyan

She left out none of the ghastly details: the wives forced to bury their husbands before being raped; the baby thrown alive into a latrine.
她没有遗漏任何恐怖的细节:妻子们在被强暴之前被迫埋葬她们的丈夫;婴儿被活生生地扔进茅厕。 ecocn

The WHO also points out that 2.6 billion people around the world lack access to a latrine that is not overflowing, that is affordable and that has a tap nearby to wash hands.
WHO同时也指出全球有26亿人未能使用干净、廉价并设有水龙头的公共厕所。 ecocn

The shelters with latrine facilities will improve the overall living conditions for vulnerable families.
设有厕所的避难场所将改善弱势家庭的生活状况。 www.greengrants.org.cn

Their15 occupants share a single pit- latrine and outside water tap.
他们总共有15个人共用一个茅厕和水龙头。 ecocn

There are three basic latrine styles: individual family units, centralized units with each latrine allocated to an individual family, and communal systems.
有三种基本类型的厕所可供选择:各家庭独用的单元、分配给每个家庭一个厕位的集中式单元以及公共厕所。 yeeyan

When the old latrine lips finishes shocking everyone, I have something to say.
等那满口脏话的老头骂够了,我就要讲了。 iciba




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