

单词 lather
释义 lath·er 英ˈlæðə美ˈlæðɚAHDlăY“ər ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA³⁵⁰⁵⁷BNC³⁴²⁹³iWeb¹⁵⁴⁶³
the froth produced by soaps or detergentsagitation resulting from active worry;

don't get in a stew

he's in a sweat about exams

a workman who puts up lathsthe foam resulting from excessive sweating as on a horse
beat severely with a whip or rod;

The teacher often flogged the students

The children were severely trounced

form a lather;

The shaving cream lathered

exude sweat or lather;

this unfit horse lathers easily

rub soap all over, usually with the purpose of cleaning来自PIE*leu,冲洗,词源同lava,lavatory,-ther,工具格后缀。引申词义用肥皂清洗,肥皂泡。in a lather非常激动lather booster增泡器lather end point泡沫终点creamy lather似乳油泡沫lather volume泡沫体积lather value泡沫值lather oil纺织用组合油…
近义词 froth泡foam泡沫soap肥皂flap拍打stew炖汤whip鞭子lash鞭子flog鞭打welt鞭痕sweat汗水tizzy慌乱slash猛砍strap皮带suds肥皂水anxiety焦虑trounce痛打swither怀疑fret使烦恼agitation激动shampoo洗发剂soapsuds起肥皂泡的肥皂水…bubbles动词bubble的第三人…

用作名词This soap raises nolatherat all.这种肥皂不起〈泡沫〉。
He put somelatheron his chin, and then began to shave.他在下巴上涂了些肥皂泡沫,然后开始刮脸。
He worked himself into alather.他干得大汗淋漓。
The boss always gets in alatherduring stocktaking time.每当存货盘点时,老板总是心神不定。用作动词Soap will notlatherin sea-water.肥皂在海水里不起〈泡沫〉。
He commences tolatherhis face again, and then to hone his razor.他又开始抹肥皂,接着磨起剃刀来。noun.bubbles
同义词 frothcream,foam,head,soap,soapsuds,spume,suds,yeast
反义词 calm,peacenoun.commotion, fuss
同义词 tizzyagitation,bustle,clamor,confusion,dither,fever,flap,fluster,hassle,hoopla,hubbub,hullabaloo,state,stew,storm,sweat,tumult,turbulence,turmoil,twitter
反义词 calm,calmness,order,peaceverb.cause to bubble
同义词 frothbeat,foam,scrub,soap,wash,whip
反义词 dirty,lose,surrenderflatten
bubblenoun globule of air
air ball,balloon,barm,bead,blister,blob,drop,droplet,effervescence,foam,froth,sac,spume,vesicle
cleansernoun strong disinfectant, solvent
abrasive,abstergent,antiseptic,cathartic,deodorant,detergent,fumigant,lather,polish,purgative,purifier,scourer,soap,soap powder,suds
commotionnoun clamor, uproar
ado,agitation,annoyance,backwash,ballyhoo,bedlam,big scene,big stink,brouhaha,bustle,clatter,combustion,confusion,convulsion,discomposure,disquiet,dither,excitement,ferment,fermentation,flap,flurry,furor,fuss,hell broke loose,hubbub,hurly-burly,insurgence,insurrection,lather,mutiny,outcry,pandemonium,perturbation,pother,racket,rebellion,revolt,riot,rumpus,stew,stir,to-do,tumult,turbulence,upheaval,uprising,upset,upturn,vexation,welter,whirl
confusionnoun disorientation
abashingabashmentaddlingagitation,befuddlement,befuddling,bemusement,bewilderment,blurring,chagrinclutteringcommotion,confounding,demoralizationdisarrangingdiscomfiting,discomfiture,disorientation,distraction,disturbing,dither,dumbfounding,embarrassing,embarrassmentembroilingflap,fluster,lather,mixup mystification,obscuring,perplexing,perplexity,perturbation,pother,puzzlement,stew,stirring uptanglingtumult,turbulence,turmoil,unsettling,upsetting
flapnoun commotion
flapsnoun commotion
agitations,bangings,brouhahas,confusions,dithers,flusters,flutters,fuss,lather,panics,pothers,states,stews,sweats,tizzies,to-dos,tumults,turbulences,turmoil,twitter A beach holiday doesn’t mean you have to turn into a cooked lobster. Stay safe, lather up on the sunscreen and drink lots of water.
沙滩假日不一定要把人弄的跟个煮龙虾似的:找个阴凉处躲着大太阳,浑身涂满防晒霜,大口大口地喝水。 yeeyan

And the eyewitnesses found that staff was10 percent more likely to lather up— especially nurses.
观察者们也发现他们的同事,特别是护士,洗手的情况增加了10%。 yeeyan

Creates the lather in shampoos or soaps, and when used with other chemicals, it can become a carcinogen.
香波和肥皂里的起泡成分,和某些化学物质一起使用时会产生致癌物。 yeeyan

The soap lather suspends both the dirt and germs trapped inside and are then quickly washed away.
肥皂泡将污物和细菌都陷在里面,然后迅速将其冲走。 www.nimc.org.cn

This uncertainty about the path of policy has had the markets in a bit of a lather.
政策轨迹的不确定性使市场像在肥皂泡中。 ecocn

To spread with or as if with lather.

You offer feedback and train again-- lather, rinse, repeat.
军队提供反馈意见,并再次培训——打肥皂、漂洗、再重头来一遍。 fortunechina

All this suggests there is little to get in a lather about. Inflation is always a cause for concern. But, today, not for panic.
这些都说明没什么好紧张的。通货膨胀一直都是人们关心的话题。但现在,还不用慌。 ecocn

Apply to wet hair, lather and rinse.
涂于湿发上,产生泡沫,然后清洗干净。 iask.sina.com.cn

Handcrafted from vegan, cruelty-free ingredients, our luxurious soap produces a rich, creamy lather that pampers the skin while it cleans.
纯手工制做来自来素食无伤害性成分,我们的奢华的香皂带来丰富的,光滑细腻的肥皂泡,清洁同时并呵护着皮肤。 mingdianba

If you put some lather on your chin, you'll find it much easier to shave.
果你在下巴上涂些肥皂泡沫,你就会觉得刮脸容易多了。 ezitong.com

Look only at those probable short-term prospects and it is hard to see why financial markets are suddenly in such a lather.
仅关注那些可能的短期前景,很难理解金融市场为何会突然形成当下的泡沫。 ecocn

Many frugalistas swear this will allow it to harden and last longer, without affecting the lather.
许多节俭的人发誓说这会使肥皂变硬且使用时间更长,而不会影响产生肥皂泡。 kekenet

Rub hands together to form lather; this helps to activate the cleanser.
双手在脸上摩擦,形成泡沫;这有助于激活洗面奶。 yeeyan

Rub shampoo into wet hair and you’ll form a lather containing small air bubbles.
在湿头发上面搓洗发水的时候,你会得到由小气泡组成的肥皂泡沫。 yeeyan

The floor is slathered with lather, and on the rack there are the two dirty towels which are never changed.
地板上溅满了肥皂泡沫,架子上挂着那两条从来不曾换过的脏毛巾。 calm-sea

There's something about the solitude, the sound and feel of the water and the fragrant lather of the shampoo and soap that help my mind achieve clarity.
是一人独处、水的声音和触感、洗发水和香皂的芳香泡沫帮助我获得了清醒的头脑。 hxen

We've formulated our foaming hand soap to clean your hands gently and effectively with a wonderfully luxurious foaming lather.
我们配制的泡沫洗手液,能用奇妙奢侈的泡沫温和有效地清洗双手。 baidubao.org

What's going on? Chris has just come rushing into my office all in a lather, saying something about a lost report.
发生什么事了?刚才克里斯神情紧张地冲进我的办公室,说什么报告不见了。 iciba

You owe it to yourself to rejuvenate, refresh and renew with Lather Cloth.

Lather and massage entire body.

Lather, however, is purely aesthetic.
然而,泡沫仅仅是审美上的需要。 yeeyan




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