

单词 latently
释义 la·tent·ly 英'leɪtntlɪ美'leɪtntlɪ COCA¹⁷⁰⁷⁰⁸BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb⁵⁷⁰¹⁴
All these achievements had not only latently prepared conditions but also laid a foundation for the flourish and development of book printing undertakings in later ages.
技术、人才、印刷物质资源的积累传承等,为后世书籍印刷事业的繁荣和发展奠定了基础。 cnki

It always amazes me when people latently criticize other countries especially China for not living up to the expectations that they do not apply to themselves-.

AIDS is incurable because cells latently infected with HIV resist antiviral therapy.
艾滋病是无法治愈的,因为细胞中潜隐感染 HIV病毒抵抗抗病毒治疗。 www.med365.com.cn

Beneath its dynamic appearance, the Chevrolet Epica latently expresses its maturity in style.
动感有形的外表之下,是雪佛兰景程成熟风范的潜在表达。 chinafanyi.com

But this only differs from Kant's view at first blush, for the moral imperative latently does no less, since its commandment requisitions us as Other.
但是这仅是表面上跟康德的观点不同,因为道德命令潜在做同等的事,因为它的命令要求我们作为大它者。 douban

However, “ maybe we could find ways of targeting only the latently infected bone marrow cells, ” she added.
不过她又补充说,“也许我们能够设法只杀死那些被潜在感染过的骨髓细胞。” treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Nor do they need culturally- biased or latently racist and ethnocentric lectures about democracy.
他们也不需要文化偏见或潜伏的种族主义和种族优越感讲座民主。 blog.sina.com.cn

PEST region, a mitochondrial targeting signal and a transmembrane helix are contained latently in the amino acid sequence of its encoding protein.
其编码蛋白含有一个 PEST区域、一个线粒体靶向序列和一个潜在“跨膜螺旋”结构。 cnki

The virus in latently infected cells, Collins explains, does not trigger an immune response and remains impervious to anti- HIV drugs.
科林斯解释到,潜伏于被感染细胞里的病毒不会引起免疫反应,并且对抗艾药物也毫无反应。 blog.sina.com.cn

To release the oneself to fear latently.
来释放自己潜在的恐惧。 iask.sina.com.cn

You could use this model to generate any latently typed language.
可以用该模型生成任何潜在类型化的语言。 ibm




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