

单词 lateness
释义 lateness 英'letnɪs美'letnɪs 高COCA⁴⁹⁹⁵⁴BNC³⁰⁹⁷⁰iWeb³²⁷⁶¹

quality of coming late or later in timelate迟的
late-ness名词后缀⇒n.迟⁸⁰;晚²⁰反义词 earliness早

用作名词Our prompt parting was due to thelatenessof the hour.我们匆匆分手是因为时间太晚了。noun.belatedness
同义词 backwardness,delay,prolongation,protraction,retardation,slowness,tardiness
反义词 anticipation,earliness,promptness Although they may well remember it simply as a quarrel about lateness, Craig and Jeanne are arguing about how they communicate with each other.
虽然这只是一场关于迟到的争吵,但是 Craig和 Jeanne是在争论两人的交流方式。 edu.sina.com.cn

Even five minutes of lateness is inexcusable on the first date.
在第一次约会时,即使是5分钟也不能迟到。 yeeyan

For laid-back people, their lateness is a part of their personality, they are aware of it and presumably not worried about appearing unconscientious.
对于懒散的人来说,迟到只是性格的一部分使然,他们了解这一点并且并不为此焦虑。 yeeyan

For some people, lateness is nothing more than a habit learned in childhood from a parent or an older brother or sister who also ran late.
对于有些人来说,迟到不过是童年时代从经常迟到的父母或哥哥姐姐那里学到的一种习惯而已。 docbeta.com

He dismissed his secretary because of her incessant lateness.
由于他的秘书一再迟到,他把她辞退了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Here in the lateness of winter and the long wanting of spring, life stands still, as we humans know it.
在这里,正值晚冬时节以及对春天的漫长期盼之中,正如我们人类所知,生命是落寞的。 syn

Hours are not only determined by the clock, but by tardiness, the number of children, lateness of returning, and other considerations.
工作时间并不是仅仅由时钟决定,而且通过工作延迟,孩子的数量,返回时间的耽搁和其他情况所决定。 yeeyan

I must report your lateness to the teacher.

No points are deducted for bad style or lateness.
坏的编程风格或迟交并没有扣分。 joelonsoftware

She no longer minded the loneliness of the way and the lateness of the hour;
她再也不怕路上孤单了,也不管时间多晚了; hjenglish

She offers a lame excuse for being late again and acts offended when you tell her that lateness is a problem.
她提供了又迟到的一个蹩脚借口,并且当你告诉她迟到是有问题时,装做受到了侵犯的样子。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Taking the maximum lateness as objective function, this paper develops a polynomial time algorithms for the processing sequence of then jobs given or not given.
文中以工件的最大迟后为目标函数,对工件加工顺序预先给定和可任意时的最优分批分别给出了多项式时间算法。 dictall

The goal: conquer plumbers' reputation for lateness, messiness and embarrassing rear views.
我们的目标是:洗刷水管工人迟到和脏乱的坏名声,并扭转其令人尴尬的口碑。 yeeyan

The reason for my lateness is that I missed my bus.
我迟到的原因是错过了汽车。 blog.sina.com.cn

They know their lateness will cause anger, and this serves their deep need to be punished.
他们深知迟到会让人生气,而这正恰恰满足了他们内心深处受惩罚的需要。 docbeta.com

We have got our own products of secure database, but because of the lateness of development, it is used at a very low rate.
我国已研究出具有自主知识产权的安全数据库产品,但由于起步晚,国内市场占有率极低。 cnki

Workers will be penalized for lateness.
工人们将因迟到受到处罚。 dj.client.iciba.com

Your continual lateness has gone post a joke; be on time tomorrow or you will be dismissed.
你老是迟到现在已不是什么儿戏的事了;明天准时来,不然你就要被开除。 http://dj.iciba.com

Lateness comes from trying to do too much or our inability to plan.
拖延来自于同时想做太多或者不能很好地计划。 yeeyan




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