

单词 late-developing
释义 late-developingCOCA¹⁹⁶⁵⁰³BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
The government's intervention in credit allocation is one important tool of industry policy in the initial stages of industrialization in late-developing countries.
政府对信贷分配的干预是后发国家工业化初期重要的产业政策工具。 cnki

The objective of the article is to find an overtaking method or way to exert the late-developing advantage to utmost.
寻找一种能够最大限度发挥区域后发优势的赶超途径和方法是本文的研究目标。 cnki

In the process of financial deepening, the governments of late-developing countries should play new role to overcome the information problem and moral hazard.
后发国家在逐步减少对金融业的直接干预的同时,应积极发挥政府的作用以解决金融深化过程中的信息问题与道德风险。 cnki

In the request of scientific developing theory, the western region as late-developing region, how to catch up with the developed region become a core issue.
在科学发展观总体要求下,作为后发区域的西部欠发达地区,如何赶超先发区域,成了人民日益关注的问题。 fabiao

Part five Presents the guidelines, strategic goal and measures for applying late-developing advantage strategy to promote the country's foreign trade.
第五部分,提出了我国运用后发优势战略发展出口的指导思想、战略目标、战略重点和应对措施。 fabiao

The dual structure characteristics of Chinese regional economy cause a big gap between late-developing regions and early-developing regions.
中国区域经济的二元结构特征,使后发区域与先发区域存在较大的发展差距。 dictall




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