

单词 Latakia
释义 lat·a·ki·a 英ˌlætəˈkiːə美ˌlætəˈkiə Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

aromatic Turkish tobaccoa seaport on the western coast of SyriaLatakia, Turkish and red Virginia.2、简介:Blakan crumble cake.
Mature Virginia and Oriental tobaccos spiced with a pinch ofLatakia.英文简介: A classic English with a beautifully refined flavor.
Brigadier:;Latakia, cubed Burley, Perique, toasted brown Cavendish with a light fruit flavor.拉塔吉亚+B白肋+C酒味卡文迪尼,配以轻微的果核口味。
For the connoisseurs of full-bodied tobacco.Choicest smallLatakiaimpart a rich nutty flavor and coolness.我感觉Latakia是965的基调,Cavendish是变化的主因,而Oriental构成变化的余韵。
Wednesday's find came a day after SANA reported that archaeologists had found a Roman-era cemetery inLatakia, northwest of Damascus.周三的发现紧接前一天叙利亚通讯社报道的考古学家在拉塔基亚发现一个罗马时代的古墓,它位于大马士革西北方。
Rich withLatakia, spiced with the finest Oriental leaf, mellowed with Stoved Virginia and aged into a deeply satisfying, harmonious blend.再说若喜欢上L的话 一段时间内 一定会去追求更高L比例的草 McClelland 5110 Full English Dark Full English. In the restive port city of Latakia and in Homs, Syria’s third-biggest city, gunfire has been ringing out.
而在此前就动荡不安的 Latakia和叙利亚第三大城市霍姆斯,可以听到零星枪声。 ecocn

In the latest assault, Syrian forces fired on parts of the port city of Latakia, killing dozens and driving some5,000 Palestinian refugees from their camps.
在最近一次军事攻击中,叙利亚军队在 Latakia城的部分地区开火,杀死数十人,并从难民营中驱赶了大约五千名巴勒斯坦人。 yeeyan

Most worrying for Mr Assad, they also broke out on a large scale in the port city of Latakia, leaving another score of people dead.
最令 Bashar Assad忧心的是,抗议行动也在港口城市 Latakia大规模爆发,造成另外二十多人丧生。 ecocn

Soft and sweet, rich in light Orientals and Carolina tobaccos, with somewhat less Latakia than2040. A fine medium mixture.
软又甜,富含轻东方烟草和南卡罗来纳州烟草,不超过2040的拉塔吉亚。一款美好的中度混合物。 www.5d3w.com

There was also trouble in the northern coastal city of Latakia.
拉塔基尔的北部海岸也有了麻烦。 hxen




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