

单词 antrum
释义 an·trum 英ˈæntrəm美ˈæntrəmAHDănʹtrəm 高COCA¹⁰⁶⁷⁵⁷BNC²⁶⁰²⁶iWeb⁵²⁵⁰⁹
a natural cavity or hollow in a bonepyloric antrum幽门窦antrum tympanicum鼓房,鼓窦cardiac antrum贲门窦duodenal antrum医 十二指肠窦…antrum mastoideum鼓房,乳突窦,鼓窦…antrum trocar上颌窦刺穿针…antrum maxillare医 上颌窦, 海…ethmoid antrum筛窦antrum ethmoidale医 筛窦, 筛骨…antrum lamp医 窦灯antrum cardiacum医 贲门窦antrum auris耳道mastoid antrum鼓房,乳突房,乳突窦…antrum pylori医 幽门窦antrum folliculi卵泡腔dental antrum医 牙窦, 牙…

用作名词The stomach can be divided into fundus, body, andantrum.胃可分为底部,体部和窦部。as in.sinus
同义词 channel,depression,hollow,opening,pocket,recess
反义词 solid
sinusnoun cavity
channel,depression,hollow,opening,pocket,recess For gastric antrum carcinoma, the operation should include subtotal gastrectomy, clearance of group1,7,8,9,12 lymph nodes, resection of omentum major and minor.
胃窦癌可行胃大部切除,但廓清淋巴结需包括第1、7、8、9组和第12组,整个清扫面应至大小网膜外。 cnki

GABA nervous disorders, antrum- pylorus deficiencies, malnutrition factors, coincide mouth edema, when anti flow is the main pathological physiological and anatomical pathology foundation.
神经递质紊乱、胃窦-幽门缺失、营养不良因素、吻合口水肿、胆汁返流是其主要病理生理和病理解剖的基础。 cnki

Postoperatively the density of G- cell, whose function enhanced, increased in antrum, duodenum and jejunum.
三种手术后胃窦或残留胃窦、十二指肠和空肠的 G细胞数密度增加、功能增强。 cnki

Sharen decreased mean contractile amplitude of the longitudinal and circular strips of antrum.
砂仁减小胃窦纵、环行肌条收缩波平均振幅; cnki

The mainly postoperative complications included fever, abdominal pain, skin burns, ascites, skin antrum and injury of pleural in costphrenic angle. No RFA-induced death was reported.
射频术后并发症有发热、穿刺点疼痛、皮肤灼伤、腹水、皮肤窦道形成、肋膈角处的胸膜损伤,未发生与手术有关的死亡。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn

This is the normal appearance of the gastric antrum extending to the pylorus at the right of center.
中央偏右是正常的胃窦延伸至幽门的外观。 iciba

While in the ZhGT group the structure of liver lobule and liver antrum were clear, cellular inside the fat vacuole were not obvious, but had only longitudinal cell edema.
脂肝泰胶囊治疗组大鼠肝小叶和肝血窦结构清晰,细胞内无明显脂滴空泡。 cnki

Antralchoanal polyps present as mucoid masses originating at the maxillary antrum extending through a sinus ostium to the choana.
上颌窦后鼻孔息肉表现为起源于上颌窦的粘液样肿块,并通过上颌窦口延伸至后鼻孔。 dxyer

Atropine, verapamil and hexamethonium partly blocked the increased action of rhubarb on the isolated strips of gastric antrum in guinea pigs.
阿托品、维拉帕米和六烃季胺部分阻断大黄对豚鼠胃窦环行肌条的兴奋作用。 cnki

Conclusion HP infection at antrum may be the cause of metaplasia at cardia, and the mechanism may be other ways except the fixture of Hp at cardia.
结论胃窦部 Hp感染可能是贲门部化生原因,机制可能是除 Hp定植于贲门部外的其他途径。 cnki

Excise the vitreous body of be put into trouble with vitreous body cutter, issue inject antibiotic to vitreous body antrum, vein and ball conjunctiva.
用玻璃体切割器切除受累的玻璃体,并向玻璃体腔、静脉和球结膜下注射抗生素。 kekenet

FSH was a crucial factor in formation of follicular antrum.
FSH在卵泡腔的形成中有决定性的作用。 cnki

Methods The73 cases with bone nonunion, bone defect and bone reveal were treated with scar resection or wound liquidation to clear dead bone and perforate marrow antrum.
方法对73例骨不连、骨外露、骨缺损者,切除瘢痕病灶或进行创面扩创,祛除死骨及硬化骨折端,打通骨髓腔。 cnki

Most commonly, the wire guide coils in the fundus and then exits to the antrum.
在最常见的情况下,导丝会盘曲在胃底,然后才会进入胃窦。 xytfy

Objective To observe the influence of double- antrum air chamber catheteration and common silica gel induct catheteration on the comfort of children.
目的观察双腔气囊导尿管和普通硅胶导尿管置管后对手术患儿尿道刺激症的影响。 cnki

Objective To explore the relationship between the development of maxillary sinus aspergillosis and the presence of zinc-containing root canal obturating paste within the antrum.
目的根管过度充填常导致氧化锌丁香油酚充填糊剂进入上颌窦内,本研究的目的是探讨进入窦腔的充填剂同霉菌性上颌窦炎的关系。 cnki

Objective: To reconstruct middle ear structure for open mastoid antrum with external auditory canal after radical mastoidectomy in one- stage.
目的:为使乳突根治术后耳向外耳道开放的乳突腔重新中耳化和一期行听力重建。 cnki

Objective: To reconstruct middle ear structure for open mastoid antrum with external auditory canal after radical mastoidectomy in one stage.
目的:探讨乳突根治术后,让术耳向外耳道开放的乳突腔重新中耳化和期听力重建的方法。 cnki

Purpose: To explore the relationship among functional dyspepsia FD, duodenogastric reflux, and gastric antrum motility.
目的:探讨功能性消化不良 FD与十二脂肠胃反流及胃窦动力学的关系。 cnki




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