

单词 laser
释义 la·ser 英ˈleɪzə美ˈlezɚAHDlāʹzər ★★☆☆☆高四六研IMT4八COCA⁵¹⁷⁴BNC⁶¹⁰⁴iWeb³¹²¹Economist⁸³⁷⁸


an apparatus for producing a very hot narrow beam of light

an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation; an optical device that produces an intense monochromatic beam of coherent light诞生于1960年,是“light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”辐射受激发射造成的光放大的首字母简略词,音译为“镭射”。
用作名词 n.
~+名词laser camera激光相机laser record激光唱片
非常记忆la拉〖拼音〗+s美女〖编码〗+er儿〖拼音〗⇒拉着美女的儿子做激光手术谐音记忆音“来热”⇒激光一照,肯定来热发音记忆“镭射”→激光近义词 optical maser光量子放大器…
用作名词n.I own a laser camera.我有一架激光照相机。
We keep a laser record.我们保存激光唱片。
用作名词Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays.现在激光可以用来做手术。
He monopolizes thelaserprinter.他独占了这台激光打印机。
The doctor finished the operation, but his success depended on the backroom boys who had invented the newlaserscalpel.医生做完了手术,但他的成功有赖于那些发明了新型激光手术刀的研究人员。
Alaserreflection will occur at each laminate substrate.每一片玻璃都会产生一个镭射反射。as in.beam
同义词 bar,glow,radiation,ray,shaftbeacon,chink,column,emission,finger,flicker,glare,gleam,glimmer,glint,glitter,shimmer,shoot,sparkle,streak,stream,twinkledartle
反义词 dullness
beamnoun ray of light
bar,beacon,chink,column,dartle,emission,finger,flicker,glare,gleam,glimmer,glint,glitter,glow,radiation,ray,shaft,shimmer,shoot,sparkle,streak,stream,twinkle Its system turns electricity into an invisible laser, then literally beams it, as heat, across the room to a solar cell that converts it back into electricity.
其系统能把电能转换为不可见激光,以热量的传输方式穿越房间投射到一块太阳能电池上,然后把它转换回电能。 yeeyan

Once there, they use tape measures, callipers and a hand-held laser to measure the heights and girths of all the trees within a500- square-metre plot.
一旦到了那儿,他们就用卷尺,测径规和一种手持式激光器来测量一片500平方米地块内的所有树木的高度和干围。 ecocn

One well-known hologram of that era captured in red laser light a chessboard on which pieces could be viewed from various angles as a viewer shifted position.
一幅当时著名的全息图,是用红色激光拍摄的一个棋盘,当观察者移动位置时,可以从不同的视角观察棋盘上的棋子。 yeeyan

Powder can be spread onto a tray and then solidified in the required pattern with a squirt of a liquid binder or by sintering it with a laser or an electron beam.
将粉末洒向一个托盘,然后用一小盘液体粘合剂把粉状物按需要的形状进行固化,或者用激光器或电子束管将其烧结成所需形状。 ecocn




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