

单词 lasagne
释义 la·sa·gne 英lə'zænjə美lə'zænjə ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁶⁸⁴⁶⁰BNC²⁷⁸⁵¹iWeb³⁰⁷⁶²

baked dish of layers of lasagna pasta with sauce and cheese and meat or vegetablesvery wide flat strips of pasta近义词 lasagna=lasagne烤宽…
What's your favorite dish? Mine is vegetable lasagne. It's delicious!
你最喜欢的菜是哪个?我喜欢的是蔬菜千层面。太好吃了! blog.sina.com.cn

A“ healthy eating” standard lasagneie, with meat has only332 calories and10g of fat for the same400g serving.
而一份同为400克的“健康宽面”含肉只提供332卡的热量和10克脂肪。 yeeyan

Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe start to pick through the lasagne as there's a knock on the door which Monica answers.
钱德勒、乔伊和菲比开始在千层面中寻找。这时敲门声响起,莫妮卡去开门。 blog.sina.com.cn

Garfield always sits in front of the TV, eating lasagne, his favourite dish.
加非猫老是坐在电视前,吃着烤宽面条,他最爱吃的食物。 blog.sina.com.cn

It changes the flavour of everything making that third helping of lasagne almost impossible to swallow.
它会改变你的对任何东西的味道,间接促使你不可能把烤宽面条吞咽下去。 ebigear

Now, all that stands between me and the world is the small matter of breaking the news to my family over the usual Thursday night lasagne.
现在,阻挡我走向世界的只是一件小小的事情,我要在星期四全家吃意大利面片时向家人通报这个决定。 yeeyan

Some41% of cooks feel confident they can prepare the classic Italian dish lasagne.
还有41%的人表示,我自己能够信心十足地烹制意大利千层面。 waiyulm

Spaghetti, fusilli, noodles and lasagne sheets are all forms of pasta.
意大利面、螺旋面、面条和千层面都是意大利面食。 wordreference

The food is modern American: roasted butternut squash bisque, lobster lasagne, bay scallop risotto.
餐厅的食物属于现代美国风格:烤白胡桃南瓜浓汤,龙虾宽面和鲜贝海鲜饭。 blog.sina.com.cn

These are not just staples such as macaroni cheese or lasagne.
这些食品不仅仅是空心粉奶酪和烤宽面条。 bab

Lasagne is delicious served alone or it can be accompanied by a freshly made green salad.
千层面非常美味,可以单独上菜,或者配现做的绿叶蔬菜色拉。 lztskn




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