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词汇 Larix chinensis
释义 Larix chinensis
The main factors which decided the characteristics of Larix Chinensis forests were analyzed, the order is DBH?tree height?age?Area at breast height?species abundance.通过主成分分析,对太白红杉林特征起决定作用的因子依次是:胸径?树高?年龄?胸高断面积?物种丰富度;
The genomic total DNA which are three kinds of materials ofLarix chinensis, extracted by the modified method of CTAB.The gaining three kinds DNA that could be analyzed for RAPD.我们用改良的CTAB法,对太白红杉的3种不同材料的基因组总DNA进行了提取,均成功获得了适于RAPD分析的总DNA。
The fractal dimension of distribution pattern ofLarix chinensisis studied by using box-counting dimension, information dimension and correlation dimension.应用分形理论的计盒维数、信息维数和关联维数研究了太白红杉的种群格局特征。
The results show, the seedling of theLarix chinensisis the best material for extracting and studying DNA and the callus could be used to extract DNA and the coniferous is poorer.结果表明,提取太白红杉DNA并对其进行研究,幼苗是较佳材料,愈伤组织也是较好的可试材料,而针叶则相对较差。
Studies on Branching Pattern of Larix Chinensis太白红杉分枝格局特性的研究
Size-class and Age-class Structures ofLarix chinensisForests太白红杉林径级和龄级结构的研究




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