

单词 Anton
释义 Anton ˈæntən 高COCA²⁰⁶⁸²BNC¹³⁶⁸²
It will be intriguing to see how Anton Ferdinand shapes up under his tutelage.
观察安顿-费迪南德在布鲁斯的教导下如何成长,将是一件迷人的事情。 yeeyan

It's in that context, needless to say, that I'd like to take a look at these two interesting passages on the sheet that has Anton Chekhov on one side and Henry James on the other.
不用说这节课,我将会谈到纸上列出的这两篇有趣的文章,一篇是契诃夫的而另一篇是亨利,詹姆斯的。 v.163.com

The papers noted that Anton— unlike Jim, Manu, and me— had not yet called home.
报纸说 Anton——没有像 Jim、 Manu和我一样——没有给家里打电话。 yeeyan

Among these is Count Anton Wolfgang von Faber- Castell, a dapper former investment banker and the eighth member of his family to run the firm.
这其中包括衣冠楚楚的前投资银行家,辉柏嘉家族的第八位掌门人安东•沃尔夫冈先生。 ecocn

Cinematic whiplash: just like in real accidents, you don't see this one coming, as indestructible assassin Anton Chigurh Javier Bardem gets sideswiped by a car.
电影:就像发生在真实的事故中一样,杀不死的刺客安顿.齐格哈维尔.巴登扮演与车子侧面擦过这种事不是每天都有的。 yeeyan

For example, I have major respect for Anton Corbijn.
例如,我十分敬佩的安东科宾。 yeeyan

Founded in1932 by two brothers, Karl and Anton Knauf, the company is run by the founders' sons.
由卡尔 Karl和安东.可耐福 Anton Knauf兄弟于1932年创立的可耐福公司目前由其子执掌。 yeeyan

I saw Anton lying on the ground, his blood darkening the sand, as soldiers tied our hands and piled Jim, Manu, and me on the floor of one truck.
在士兵们捆上我们的手,把 Jim、 Manu和我扔在卡车车厢上的时候,我看见 Anton倒在地上,血染红了沙地。 yeeyan

I spoke of Anton’s love for her and his family, and I felt my own tears coming.
我告诉她 Anton对她和家庭的爱,我发现我自己的眼泪也流了下来。 yeeyan

I told my parents that Jim and Manu had also been fine the last time I’d seen them, and then they asked about Anton.
我告诉父母, Jim和 Manu在我上一次看见他们的时候也挺好的,然后他们问起了 Anton。 yeeyan

In a preliminary paper*, he and Anton Korinek of the University of Maryland spell out the logic further.
他和美国马里兰大学的 Anton Korinek在一篇论文初稿中进一步阐述了这一逻辑。 putclub

In a more serious moment, Jim, Manu, and I agreed that for our own safety, we couldn’t say anything about Anton.
在一个更为严肃的时候, Jim、 Manu和我一致同意为了我们自身安全,不能提起关于 Anton的任何事。 yeeyan

Photographer Anton Jankovoy spent months camping at the foot of the world's highest peak patiently waiting for the right weather conditions.
摄影师安东·简科夫在珠峰山脚驻扎数月,只为等待最适宜拍摄的天气情况。 cri

When the guards let us speak to each other, Jim told me, “ Anton’s dead.”
当看守允许我们互相说话的时候, Jim告诉我,“ Anton死了。” yeeyan

Anton and his friends changed hotels the next day.
安东说,他和朋友们第二天就换了酒店。 yeeyan

Anton took a full glass, examined it, smiled at me and said: “It's a long time since I drank champagne”.
安东拿着酒,审视了一番,满意地对我笑了笑说:“我很久没喝香槟了”。 yeeyan




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