

单词 large city
释义 large city短语³⁵⁹⁹⁷
Dom of Trier. There is always a Dom in a large city in Germany.
特里尔的大教堂。在德国的大城市中,都会有一所大教堂的。 iciba

“ The large city lists doesn’t surprise me at all, ” he says.
他说,“大城市对我来说一点也不惊讶。” yeeyan

A friend of mine is a K9 officer in a very large city.
我的一个朋友是一个大城市的高级官员。 zangaounion

After graduation, Jenna went to college, then got a good job in a large city.
中学毕业后,简娜上了大学,然后在一个大城市里找了一份好工作。 chinaedu

Ancient Jericho was not a large city.
古时的耶利哥不是一个大城市。 bibleview.org

Every large city has its shifting population of vagrants.
每一个大城市都有一批漂泊不定的流浪者。 jukuu

Foxconn, which employs 920, 000 people making iPhones and other technology products, is opening new factories in Chongqing, a large city1,000 miles inland.
制造苹果手机及其他科技产品的富士康在中国有920,000名员工,在距离海岸线有1000英里之遥的重庆开设了一家新工厂。 yeeyan

It's a large city with many people, cars and architectures.
那是一个有许多人口、汽车和建筑物的大城市。 tao2tao

Like the downtown of a large city, the center of our galaxy is a crowded, active, and vibrant place.
就如同大城市的商业中心区,我们银河系的核心是一个拥挤而充满活力的活跃场所。 top.jschina.com.cn

Marshall likens it to four cars taking four different routes between places on opposite sides of a large city.
马歇尔将此比作从一个大城市的相对的两侧之间的四条不同路线行走的四辆汽车。 yeeyan

Shanghai is a large city.
上海是一个大城市。 ebigear

That's a large city in northern Greece.
那是希腊北部的一个大城市。 walenglish

There is a large city in Italy. It is called Venice. It is a beautiful city, but it is different from other cities in the world.

There is always a Dom in a large city in Germany.
在德国的大城市中,都会有一所大教堂的。 iciba




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