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词汇 Antoine
释义 Antoine
Then that average Antoine talked about a couple of food products with87 different women, aged18 to20.
我们暂且叫这个相貌平平的男人为安托万吧,他将与87位年龄在18至20岁之间的女人聊天,谈论几种食品。 yeeyan

“ We spend an enormous amount of time on sharing knowledge,” says Antoine Roux, the boss of MIH.
MIH的老板 Antoine Roux说道,我们花费大量的时间互享知识经验。 ecocn

Antoine Jones was convicted in 2008 and sentenced to life in prison for possessing and conspiring to distribute more than 50 kilograms of cocaine.
2008年,安东尼·琼斯因持有并协同出售50公斤可卡因被定罪,判处终身监禁。 yeeyan

After talking, Antoine pulled each one aside and asked for her phone number.
安托万和这些妇女聊完天后会向她们索要电话。 yeeyan

Although the survey looked at just British views on conflict, Antoine- Hoffman suspects the same kinds of findings would probably occur elsewhere in the developed world.
虽然这次调查是要看看英国人对冲突的看法,但是,安托万霍夫曼认为,其他发达国家可能也会出现相同的结果。 ebigear

Budding writer Antoine Mouton also wears one, and interestingly enough, he said he had been wearing it for a month, too.
新生代作家安东尼·穆东也戴了一顶,有趣的是,他也说自己戴了一个月。 yeeyan

Charles Antoine- Hofmann is with the British Red Cross, the humanitarian agency that commissioned the survey.
安托万霍夫曼是英国红十字会这个人道机构的成员,这次调查是英国红十字会委托进行的。 ebigear

Despite this, Antoine- Hoffman says awareness in Britain is extremely low.
尽管如此,安托万霍夫曼说,在英国了解这些情况的人非常少。 ebigear

Each time after making his pitch, Antoine was instructed “ to gaze and smile at the participant” while she considered her answer.
每次说完这句话后,安托万要凝视对方并微笑,等待对方回答。 iciba

EMERGING markets have been exceedingly kind to Antoine van Agtmael.
新兴市场极为善待安东尼•冯•阿格塔米尔。 ecocn

From1999-2002 Mediobanca replaced Generali’s chairman three times, in the end giving the job back to Antoine Bernheim, a Frenchman it had ousted in1999.
从1999-2002年,地中海银行更换了忠利保险的三任董事长,最终还是把这一职位还给了 Antoine Bernheim,而这位法国的 Bernheim曾在1999年从这一职位上被解雇。 ecocn

It was said that these munitions came from a grocer in the Faubourg Saint- Antoine named Pepin.
据说这些作战物资是由圣安东尼郊区一个名叫贝班的食品杂货店老板供给的。 ebigear

The Saint- Antoine barricade was tremendous; it was three stories high, and seven hundred feet wide.
圣安东尼街垒是个庞然大物,它有四层楼房高,七百尺宽。 ebigear

The two front- runners will now try to secure the support of those who backed candidates now eliminated, notably the veteran Antoine Gizenga, who came third with 13% of the vote.
这两个领先者现在将会去争夺支持获得了13%选票的第三名安东尼•基真加这位退伍军的支持者。 topsage

This practice carries on a tradition from the reign of Prince Antoine I, during whose rule a choir of children sang the liturgies in the Palatine Chapel.
这一实践把安东尼一世亲王辖区的传统音乐带了回来,在他统治时期唱诗班的儿童在巴拉丁伯爵礼拜堂歌唱礼拜歌曲。 ebigear

Yet Antoine Boudet, the representative of Les Echos at France's main journalists' union, thinks that Pearson will not be too punctilious about such principles.
但是,《回声报》派驻法国主要的记者组织的代表 Antoine Boudet认为,皮尔逊公司不会太过拘泥于这些原则。 ecocn

Antoine Claudet was one of the few people legally able to take daguerreotypes there.
在英国能合法使用达盖尔照相术人寥寥无几,安托万·克劳德特是其中之一。 yeeyan

Antoine Frérot, the head of the water division of Veolia Environnement, a French firm, promotes recycling, whereby city wastewater is treated until it can be used in industry or agriculture.
法国 Veolia Environnement供水部门负责人 Antoine Frérot建议实行水资源循环利用,即对城市废水进行处理,直到其达到可供工农业使用的标准。 ecocn

Antoine Grumbach proposes to build the Greater Paris along the Seine right up to the harbour of Le Havre.
安托万•戈巴克建议沿塞纳河直到勒阿弗尔港建设大巴黎。 yeeyan

Antoine Vincent, in charge of electric armour for the European Defence Agency EDA, says it has tested well against RPGs.
为欧洲防务局 EDA的负责带电装事务的安托万文森特 Antoine Vincent表示,它已经在对付 RPG上测试良好。 ecocn




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