释义 |
Laphygma exigua 基本例句 甜菜夜蛾 Effects of Several Insecticides against Laphygma exigua in Capsicum annuum L.几种杀虫剂对甜椒甜菜夜蛾的防效试验。 Characterization of a Microsporidium Isolated From Larvae of Beet Armyworm, Laphygma exigua H.一种从甜菜夜蛾分离的微孢子虫的生物学特性研究。 According to the status of planting flowers in Kunming, the thesis studied the biological characteristics, occurrent regularity and abiotic influencing factors of the beet armyworm .本文结合昆明花卉生产实际,对甜菜夜蛾的生物学特性、发生规律以及影响甜菜夜蛾的非生物因子等进行了研究,并在此基础上,对甜菜夜蛾的化学、生物和物理防治技术进行了试验研究和示范工作,为甜菜夜蛾的预测预报和综合治理提供科学依据。 Laphygma exigua granulosis virus甜菜夜蛾颗粒体病毒 Laphygma exigua nuclear polyhedrosis virus甜菜夜蛾核型多角体病毒 |