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词汇 lap
释义 lap 英læp美læpAHDlăp ★★★☆☆高四六研GIS宝4八COCA⁴³¹²BNC⁵⁶⁹⁹iWeb⁴⁶⁵²Economist¹⁴⁹⁰⁴

vt. & vi. 领先

be one or more laps ahead of another competitor in a race

vt. 舔;舔食

drink by taking up with the tongue, as a cat does

vt. & vi. 包裹;缠绕布等于

wrap or fold cloth, etc.

vt. 轻拍;冲拍

of water to move with a sound like the lapping up of liquid


the front part of a seated person between the waist and the knees


part of a dress


a single journey round or along the track

the upper side of the thighs of a seated person;

he picked up the little girl and plopped her down in his lap

an area of control or responsibility;

the job fell right in my lap

the part of a piece of clothing that covers the thighs;

his lap was covered with food stains

a flap that lies over another part;

the lap of the shingles should be at least ten inches

movement once around a course;

he drove an extra lap just for insurance

touching with the tongue;

the dog's laps were warm and wet

lie partly over or alongside of something or of one anotherpass the tongue over;

the dog licked her hand

move with or cause to move with a whistling or hissing sound;

The bubbles swoshed around in the glass

The curtain swooshed open

take up with the tongue;

The cat lapped up the milk

the cub licked the milk from its mother's breast

wash or flow against;

the waves laved the shore

1、来自古英语laeppa,挂布,衣摆,裙摆,词源同label, lapel,后用来指遮膝盖的裙摆,膝盖,大腿。2、来自古英语*wlappan,围,裹。来自原始印欧语*wel,转,弯,词源同envelop, involve。引申词义一圈。3、来自原始印欧语*lab,舔,拟声词,词源同labial, lip。 label来自原始印欧语*leb,撕开,词源同lap, lapel,进一步来自原始印欧语*skel,砍,撕,词源同shell, scissor。原义为撕开的小布条,后用于指用布条标签。拼写演变比较locus, ring。 lapel词源同label,布条,标签。用来指衣服翻领。 envelopen-,进入,使,-velop,围,绕,词源同develop, wall。 involvein-,进入,使,-volve,卷入,词源同involve, evolve。 labial来自拉丁语labia,唇,词源同lip。 lip来自原始印欧语*leb,舔,拟声词,词源同labia, labial。
用作动词 v.
~+副词lap affectionately充满深情地拍打lap greedily贪婪地舔食lap hungrily饥饿地吞食lap ingratiatingly迎合地重叠lap thirstily很渴地喝下lap down喝光lap over垂覆下来lap under折叠在下面lap up舔光~+介词lap against轻拍…lap against the sides of the boat轻轻地拍击船的两侧lap around包扎lap at拍打在lap in包住,包围lap on拍打lap over重叠起来用作名词 n.形容词+~the last lap最后一圈the next lap下一圈介词+~in sb's lap在某人膝上on the last lap最后一圈~+介词the last lap of sb's term某人任期的最后阶段
lap about〔around,round〕 v.+prep.

包住 be folded or wrapped round sth

lap about〔around,round〕 sthCrowds lapped about the corner.人群围住那个角落。
The ends of the cloth lap round the hole.布的四角包住那个洞。lap sth about〔around,round〕 sthThe nurse lapped a bandage around his wrist.护士把他的腕部包上绷带。
lap against〔on〕 v.+prep.

轻拍 pat slightly

lap against〔on〕 sthLittle waves lapped against the boat.碎浪轻拍着小舟。
The waves were lapping against the side of the boat.波浪轻拍着船舷。
The sea was lapping on the rocks.大海击打着礁石。
The little waves were lapping on the beach.轻波拍打着海滩。
lap in v.+prep.

裹;包围 surround sb/sth

lap sb/sth in sthHe lapped me in his arms.他把我搂在怀里。
He lapped himself in a blanket.他把自己裹在毛毯中。
The mother lapped the child in a blanket.母亲用毯子把孩子裹起来。
The nurse lapped his wrist in a bandage.护士把他的腕部包上绷带。
Life flowed smoothly on lapping him in a changeless vacuum.生活平静地流逝,把他包围在毫无变化的真空里。
lap over¹ v.+adv.

在空间或时间上超过某物,超出限制 lie further than sth,(in space or time; go beyond a limit)

lap overThis dog's ears are so long that they lap over .这只狗的耳朵长得耷拉了下来。
The upper wings lap over.上翼收回来。lap sth ⇔ overThe edges of the paper have been lapped over.纸边卷起来。
The ends are lapped over to prevent them rubbing.把边折了起来以免磨损。lap overThis mat is too big for the room, it laps over at the edges.这张席子放在屋里太大,四边都折了起来。
Don't forget that we have to see the director at midday, we must make sure that this meeting doesn't lap over.记住中午得去见经理,我们一定别让会开过头。
lap over² v.+prep.

重叠在…上 overlap, sit one partly on another

lap over sthThe two pictures are made to lap over each other.两幅照片是搭接在一起。lap sth over sthThe boat is built by lapping the edge of one board over the board underneath.用一块木板的边压在下面的一块木板上,船就这样造出来。
lap over into v.+adv.+prep.

延伸到 lie further than sth

lap over into sthOur meeting lapped over into the next.我们的会议延至下一次举行。
The reign of Queen Elizabeth lapped over into the seventeenth century.伊丽莎白王朝延至十七世纪。
lap under v.+adv.

往下折叠 fold under

lap underAny ends that were not smooth must lap under.边不平就往下叠。
lap up v.+adv.

急于接受或相信 be eager to accept

用作名词n.drop〔dump〕 sth in sb's lap

将某事推给他人负责make sth the responsibility of sb else

in the lap of luxury

在优裕的环境中in very great comfort

in the lap of the gods

结果尚难预料,毫无把握dependent on chance or fate;uncertain

故事记忆 Nap打盹 Cap帽子轻轻 Tap叩 Map地图 Lap大腿 Gap生裂口 非常记忆l棍子〖编码〗+ap阿婆〖拼音〗⇒拿着棍子的阿婆把手放在大腿的上方谐音记忆音“来吧”⇒用膝打我吧 反写记忆单词反写=pal:伙伴,好友近义词 leg腿lick舔wash洗drink喝part部分tour旅游lave洗涤round圆的stage舞台circle圆圈circuit巡回lick up吞没section部分segment部分overlap重叠slurp饮食出声lap up欣然接受wrap around卷绕的swoosh发出嗖的一声…swosh使某物嗖嗖地动…fold over折叠重叠幻象…swish摆动或挥动某物出声…
S+~+AJames lapped in two minutes.詹姆斯在两分钟内跑完一圈。
S+~+ n./pron.Before the end of the race Bob had lapped Jimmy.比赛结束前,鲍勃以一圈领先于吉米。
The champion lapped him at the mile.在一英里赛跑中,冠军超过他整整一圈。
She lapped my finger with gauze.她用绷带将我的手指包起来。
The cat is lapping water.猫在舔水。
Water lapped the sides of the boat.水轻拍着小舟的两侧。用作名词n.The man was sitting in a chair with his hat on hislap.那人坐在扶手椅子里,腿上放着他的帽子。
She was sitting with her hands on herlap.她坐着,把手放到膝上。
She put the apples in herlap.她把苹果装在了裙兜里。
He put in a spurt at the beginning of the eighthlap.他进入第八圈时便开始冲刺。Plapeln.翻领Pburlapn.粗麻布Plapboardn.膝板Plaptop膝上型的Plapfuln.满膝满兜Plap-strapn.安全腰带Plappetn.垂片垂饰垂布Plap-joint超头接合迭接Plapdogn.供玩赏用的小狗Poverlapping重叠覆盖重迭Punderlapvt.部分重叠于…之下Poverlapn.重叠重复部分的同时发生vt.重叠重复与…同时发生vi.迭盖部分的同时发生


lap用作名词时,意思是“跑道的一圈”,用作不及物动词时,意思是“跑一圈”,用作及物动词时,意思是“领先某人一圈”。引申可表示“用…包住,包扎”,后面常接人体受伤的部位如手、手腕、手指、脚之类的名词,其常见结构为“lap sth round one's …”或“lap one's…with〔in〕 sth ”。

lap用作不及物动词时,可表示“重叠,包围,波浪拍打”,常与介词over或 against 连用。

lap还可表示“尤指动物舔,舔食,指人贪婪地吃喝”,常与副词up连用;在口语中, lap sth up还常表示“对新闻、消息、问题等的急切而又迅速地了解、领会或接受”。


用作名词The child sat on its mother'slap.小孩坐在妈妈的膝上。
For quite some time, everything fell into hislap.好长一段时间他事事称心如意。用作名词The leading car crashed midway through the tenthlap.领先的那辆赛车在第十圈的中途撞毁了。用作名词The catlappedup the milk.猫舔食牛奶。
He heard thelapof the waves.他听到了波浪的拍打声。用作动词The two pictures are made tolapover each other.那两张画被重叠在一起。
Hyperparasitic effect was observed at culture overlapof Cylindrocladium spathiphylli and some phytopathogen through microscope.显微观察对峙培养的重叠区域,发现苞叶芋柱帚霉对部分病原菌有重寄生现象。用作动词The waves gentlylapagainst the shore.海浪轻轻地拍打着海岸。noun.orbit, circuit
同义词 course,distance,roundcircle,loop,tourverb.slosh, wash against
同义词 lick,splashbathe,bubble,burble,drink,gurgle,lave,lip,plash,purl,ripple,sip,slap,sup,swishverb.overlap
同义词 cover,enfold,envelop,fold,imbricate,overlie,override,ride,shingle,swaddle,swathe,turn,twist,wrap
bindverb fasten, secure
adhere,attach,bandage,border,chain,cinch,clamp,connect,constrict,cover,dress,edge,encase,enchain,enfetter,fetter,fix,fold,furl,glue,hamper,handcuff,hem,hitch,hitch on,hobble,hook on,hook up,lace,lash,leash,manacle,moor,muzzle,paste,peg down,pin,pin down,pinion,put together,restrain,restrict,rope,shackle,stick,strap,swathe,tack on,tether,tie,tie up,trammel,trim,truss,unite,wrap,yoke
circlenoun orb, loop, round figure
amphitheater,aureole,band,belt,bowl,bracelet,circlet,circuit,circumference,circus,cirque,coil,colure,compass,cordon,corona,crown,cycle,disc,disk,ecliptic,enclosure,equator,full turn,globe,halo,hoop,horizon,lap,meridian,orbit,parallel of latitude,perimeter,periphery,record,revolution,ring,ringlet,round,sphere,stadium,tire,turn,wheel,wreath,zodiac
circuitnoun revolution, track, boundary
coilnoun thread that curls
coilverb curl around, entwine
convolute,convolve,corkscrew,fold,intertwine,intervolve,lap,loop,make serpentine,rotate,scroll,sinuate,snake,spiral,spire,turn,twine,twist,wind,wrap around,wreathe,writhe
coursenoun path, channel
aisle,aqueduct,boards,byway,canal,circuit,conduit,direction,duct,flow,groove,itinerary,lap,line,movement,orbit,passage,range,road,route,run,rut,scope,stream,tack,track,trail,trajectory,watercourse,way I removed mine after40 minutes, and discovered that the images on the screen were not only bright but reasonably sharp, so the glasses stayed in my lap for the duration.
我是在40分钟过后取下眼镜的,结果发现屏幕上的影像不仅很明亮,而且还算清晰,于是在剩余时间里我一直把眼镜放在腿上。 cri

I was sitting happily on her lap when she asked me if I'd like to come and live with my father and her. I scrambled down in a panic.
本来我还蛮开心地坐在她的腿上,可当她问我是否愿意和老爸还有她一起生活时,我一慌,就从她腿上滑了下来。 yeeyan




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