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LaoziCOCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺⁴ 基本英英近义反义例句例句 n.老子⁵⁰中国哲学家;道家的创始人⁵⁰异体字Lao-tse Noun: Chinese philosopher regarded as the founder of Taoism 6th century BC近义词 Lao-zi老子中国哲学家…Lao-tseLao-tzu的异体字… “Each leaf is the tree,” Lao Tzu said 2,000 years ago.两千年前老子说过这样的话:“每片树叶都是树”。 However, Lao Tzu did leave us a problem in translation.然而,老子留给了我们一个翻译的问题。 It shows how Lao Tzu detested extravagance and dissipated life.由此可见老子对骄奢淫逸的深恶痛绝。 As Lao Tzu said, even a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.老子曾说,千里之行始于足下,就是这个道理。 A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, said the Chinese philosopher Laozi. What is needed now is a big leap across the Taiwan Strait. 千里之行始于足下是中国古代哲学家老子所说的一句名言,而现在最需要的,就是跨越台湾海峡。 yeeyan I’ve written about the radical notion of giving up goals, though it’s thousands of years old( Laozi taught it to me. 我写过关于放弃目标的激进见解,尽管这种见解的年龄有千百岁了老子的著作将这种观念传输给我。 yeeyan No matter what faith, or God, Laozi, Confucius also right, there was weak, naturally all very leisurely, who is different. 不管信仰什么,上帝也好,老子,孔子也吧,心里有了底子,自然气定神闲,人就不同了。 blog.sina.com.cn The contents of personality expressed in The Analects , Mengzi , Laozi, Chuangzi and Lisao have had great influence on the society and the later world. 《论语》、《孟子》、《老子》、《庄子》及《离骚》当中所体现出的人格内容,对社会及后世产生巨大的影响。 cnki The life problem is a core problem of Laozi' s philosophy, so metaphysical thinking on life is the logic start of Laozi' s philosophy. 生命问题是老子哲学关注的一个核心问题,对生命问题的形上学思考是老子哲学的起点。 cnki The realization of temple ecology also strictly abides by three treasures of Laozi's“ kindness, thrifty and no fighting” and Taoist taboos and commandment concerning nature homage. 宫观生态的实现过程,又是严格遵循老子“慈、俭、不争”三宝和道教有关尊崇自然清规戒律的结果。 hicoo The style of Laozi is a symbol of Yangtze literary style. 《老子》的文体风格是长江文风形成的一个标志。 cnki The thoughts of Laozi lie in natural, balance, merge, integration of nature and human, as well as all creature's relations. 老子的思想是自然、平衡、融合、天人合一、万物相通。 yeeyan The word“ virtue” was used for52 times in the book “ Laozi” but commentators and subcommen-tators have been neglecting the special meaning. 《老子》一书中使用“善”字达52次之多,但是它的特殊含义一直为历来注疏者所忽视。 cnki There is another reason that the Laozi quote feels so very profound to us. The quote teaches us not to lose our initial focus while further solidifying our foundation. 老子的名言让我们觉得深刻的另一个原因,是它教导我们在巩固基础的同时不要失去最初的目标。 www.ciid.com.cn With Laozi as its representative, Daoism always advocated a government which governs nothing. 老子为代表的道家学派一直提倡无为而治。 nciku At that moment, the embodiment of Laozi as a white beard came to teach the elderly. 就在这时,老子化身为一个白胡子老人前来指点。 blog.sina.com.cn Lanhanzhi is a peculiar scholar of Yijing and Laozi. 蓝汉之是一个独特的《易经》和《老子》学者。 blog Oriental's anti- logic can be dating back into the age of Laozi, the differences between east and west can be seen everywhere. 东方人反逻辑是有历史根源的,从老子就开始了。这种区别在东西方之间随处可以看到。 yeeyan Some two-and-a-half millennia ago, the Chinese philosopher Laozi wrote: “ Governing a large country is like frying a small fish.” 大约两千五百年以前,中国的哲人老子写道:“治大国若烹小鲜。” yeeyan The original meaning of Laozi s “Dao”the way and“De”the virtue and their relationships are rich resources in conducting moral self- education by college students. 老子关于“道”和“德”的含义与关系的论述是大学生自我道德教育的重要资源。 dictall There have been various opinions in academic circles to the problem what the quality of the bamboo edition Laozi is. 对于简本《老子》的版本性质,学术界虽存在多种看法,但并没能达成比较一致的共识。 dictall Laozi's and Confucius thoughts are vast and profound, each having its unique system and intension, and each having its unique distinction and style. 老子思想和孔子思想博大精深,各有其独特的体系与内涵,各有其独特的思维个性与风格。 airiti.com Its most famous work is the Daodejing, attributed to a person known as Laozi, who may have existed in the6th century BCE. 其最著名的典籍是《道德经》,相传为一个可能生活于公元前6世纪、被称为老子的人所写。 yeeyan |